Most Embarassing Moment

Nurses Humor


Have you had a most embarassing moment at work or when you were in nursing school? I did. It was when I was in nursing school.

I was the oldest student. Went back to school after 35 years as a non-student, Well anyway, being the oldest student in the class, and most of my classmates ranging in age from 18-25, I wasn't included in a lot of the conversations the younger students were having, and truthfully, I didn't want to be in some of them.

Well anyway, I most always ate alone, etc, basically, there were cliques. So always being left out, I had my day at the end of our shift one afternoon.

We all got in the elevator to go change and attend post- conference. As the elevator door closed, one of the strong, silent types emitted from you know where. It wasn't long before that unappetizing odor permeated the entire inner surface of the elevator. I stood there quiet, which I did most of the time anyway, when my classmates began accusing one another of causing the event. All denied, and when I was asked, I replied, "Who, me?" The blame got laid on one of the younger classmates, and I said nothing, but surely was enjoying the moment.


10 years ago, before I decided to go back to school to get my RN, I worked as a medical assistant in a very busy family practice. I had only worked there for about a week and had learned very quickly that you had to get the patients in the room, get the vitals, chart the assessment and move on to get the next pt in the next room in order to keep the flow going and the Dr's on time. I started to feel like I was on top of things and could be in and out in a matter of minutes. I took a man into a room to get his info and found that he had a wound on his leg that would not heal. In fact it had a foul smelling discharge comming out of it. I started charting my assessment but could not think of how to spell "purulent" so I picked another word and moved on. It was when I came out of another pt's room that I found the Dr. on the floor (no joke) laughing so hard (with the chart in his hand) that tears were rolling down his face. The other office staff was as well. He handed me the chart and asked me what was wrong with my entry? My entry was " Pt here today with c/o right knee wound not healing. Foul, Pussy discharge noted". :imbar

Of course every one forgot about this two wk's later. I had finished shaving a mans very hairy chest for a EKG. He looked up at me (with trust in his eyes) and said " why are you doing this when I only want to see the Dr for a refill of my depression medication?"( I hope I did not drive him over the edge:uhoh21:)Oops.....The chart was on the wrong door.

Lesson learned....check, check,and double check. Thank God I now have brains!!! LOL

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
It didn't happen to me but this was shared with me when i started my new job in December.......

the nursing educator at Bon Secours had that happen to her. As she tells it...she went in to try and passify an irate family and put in an IV on the pt....bent forward to put the IV in...out came the fart......all she could think of to say was "My, the weather certainly has been nice, hasn't it?" The family laughed....they laughed till they did the nurse educator!

LOL! :chuckle

Along the same subject as gas....My preceptor for Labor and Delivery (several years ago) was talking to one of our very young labor patients. She was having a lot of trouble pushing with her epidural. My preceptor was demonstrating and told her to roll into a ball, chin on chest, and grab her knees...She leaned over (standing) and grabbed her bent knees....Picture the squat!......She said, "now with all your might, act like you are taking the biggest poop of your life and bear down." She must have really beared!! She let out this huge, long, whopper of a fart. :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle

The mother of the pt and I were laughing so hard we were holding each other up. I had tears flowing!! She turned bright red and said, "well, if you do that then you are doing it right"........

The funniest part was, the pt just looked confused....Every time I remember that episode I start laughing all over again. I will never let her live that down. :p

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

:rotfl: Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha. I wouldn't let her down either. That was a real hoot! :rotfl:

I was a new nurse, with very little experience. I was orienting with an old navy nurse, all business..

We went into a pt's room...she had asked for the bedpan and was quite large...

I started rolling the patient over to place the bedpan under her..she started screaming!! I was not sure what was wrong so stopped dead in my tracks...

She finally got enough composure to say "My skin"..

I looked down and you would not believe this...her skin was actually caught in the side rail...OMG

I looked at my preceptor, she looked at me...we rolled the patient back onto her back, apologized, walked out into the hallway and laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants..

Same woman...decided to take her to the bathroom to prevent this from occurring again..She sat on the toilet and it actually came off the lie...

Getting her off the floor was a day's work...

Every time I see this patient's name, I laugh (she is a frequent flyer)

My most embarassing moment came one night after a night from h---! We had been really busy the previous night and i was late getting home. I was really tired and sleepy when I woke up and got ready for work. It was about 2330 and I looked down at my shoes and noticed I had 2 different shoes on. But at least they were both white, LOL. One was a Hush Puppy Bounce and the other was an Easy Spirit. I had been wondering why my left foot felt different but didn't think to look at my shoes. I was so embarassed, but couldn't stop laughing. Even now, I am known as 2-shoe Penny. LMAO. I guess this was the first time I had actually worn 2 different shoes at once!!! Trying to start a new trend I guess.

:rotfl: :rotfl:


Youre killin' me! You're just plain killin' me :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle : :chuckle

My belly hurts from laughing so hard you guys!

Specializes in Trauma, MICU.

OMG...I'm about to roll on the floor!!! :lol2: :roll :clown: :rotfl:

I'm starting nusing school in January - this thread scares me, because I know I'll be posting on here a lot!!!:rolleyes:

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

The shoe incident? I did one of them once too, only not at work. I was the day I went to church. I got all dressed up in my dress clothes, but still had some last minute things to do before leaving, so I left my blue sneakers on. On to church I went. I went in, sat down, and got myself settled in to hear to sermon. When I bent down to pick up something that had dropped, I noticed them. :uhoh21: Bright blue sneakers with a very dressy outfit on. Too bad they didn't at least match. :imbar

Not a nursing story, but very embarrassing.

I was driving home from class one day in FL--in August--with no A/C. Every inch of me was dripping sweat. I had the radio blaring and I was steering with one very sweaty palm on the top of the steering wheel. I went to round a corner, and my hand slipped off the steering wheel and got wedged between the wheel and the lever that turns on my windshield wipers. Before I could stop, I bounced over a curb and across the front lawn of a church and screeched to a halt about 20 feet from a funeral procession coming out of the building, with the windshield wipers going full speed on a blazing-hot day, the radio at top volume, and my horn blaring because the only thing I could grab

was the bottom of the steering wheel with my left hand. :imbar :imbar Gawd.:imbar

Specializes in ER;med/surg.

My most embarassing moment happened just a few weeks ago. I had a very sweet, but very large female patient with urinary frequency. I had taken a big boy commode into her room for her to use as she wasn't able to fit into our bathrooms comfortably. The first time she used it, she rang her call bell and asked for help getting back into bed so I went in to help her. When she stood up, the commode came up with her. She was literally stuck between the side bars on the commode. I was sure she was embarassed and I really wanted to help her without making a huge deal of the situation. I tried gently pulling her skin folds out from the bars, but they wouldn't budge. She stood and I put my foot along the bottom of the railing and tried to push it off but when I did, she lost her balance and fell forward on top of me with the commode spilling all over BOTH OF US. She couldn't get up and I couldn't get out from under her or reach the call bell, so her roommate had to call to get us help. I broke her fall, she wasn't hurt, and I:imbar ended up soaked in Pee, but by D&mn that Commode came off!!

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
Not a nursing story, but very embarrassing.

I was driving home from class one day in FL--in August--with no A/C. Every inch of me was dripping sweat. I had the radio blaring and I was steering with one very sweaty palm on the top of the steering wheel. I went to round a corner, and my hand slipped off the steering wheel and got wedged between the wheel and the lever that turns on my windshield wipers. Before I could stop, I bounced over a curb and across the front lawn of a church and screeched to a halt about 20 feet from a funeral procession coming out of the building, with the windshield wipers going full speed on a blazing-hot day, the radio at top volume, and my horn blaring because the only thing I could grab

was the bottom of the steering wheel with my left hand.

:imbar :imbar Gawd.:imbar We would have to go some to top that one. I can picture it now. :chuckle

Several years ago, a friend, and my younger sister were with me as we were going for one of them spontaneous rides. You know, the kind that when you come to a certain place, or a crossroad where you have never been before and decided to investigate? Well, as we were returning home, we caught up to an old 30's firetruck responding to a firecall. We decided to follow it to where the fire was. So over hill and dale, the three of us followed that old truck going at 30 miles an hour at top speed. When we eventually arrived at where the fire was, (an old chicken coop) I pulled the car up behind the firetruck on the shoulder of the road. One of the firemen jumped out of that truck, walked toward my car, motioned and yelled, "Come on; we may as well go fight this thing together!

Specializes in IMCU.

I work in a ped office. There was this family who attended church with my boss. The daughter came in for a ppd for high school. Mom asked what to look for... i was having a rough day anyway...and i tried to tell her that if it got red or swollen she would need to bring her back in. She wasnt understanding... so i said well if it looks like a bug bite... shes still questioning me.. so i meant to say if it looks like an infected bug bite bring her in.... but instead I said if it looks infucted. Well the teen girl died laughing... i turned red and couldnt even speak......

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