Can I still get into nursing program even with previous bad grades?

Nurses Career Support


I have a dilemma. I want to be a nurse but I'm afraid my previous grades from other schools will prevent me from getting into nursing school. I goofed around alot in high school and barely passed with 2.5 GPA. I started community college a few years after high school and have been going off and on for the past few years. I've been to several different cc's in the city that I lived in (lived in a big city so I had to go to school that was a convenient commute when we moved). Originally, my goal was to get a bachelors degree in Sociology. But I was a slacker, partied, dropped alot of classes, put on academic probation, made D's and F's (although I did make some A's and B's) a nutshell, I didn't have my priorities straight and it REALLY REALLY shows on my transcripts :(. I was on medication for adult add at one time and it made a HUGE difference in my study habits.

Anyway, I've always had it in the back of my mind about becoming a nurse but didn't really want to pursue it at the time. My stepmother who raised me has been a nurse for 20-something years and always talked so bad about nursing and told me never to get into it so when I was younger I kind of took her word for it.

Today I'm almost 30, married and have two beautiful kids and have settled down. I'm not the stupid kid I once was. I want a career in nursing and truly want to make the commitment to doing so. I am smart and I enjoy helping others and have a very caring nature.

So me, being the former slacker, can I still get into some kind of nursing program? I'm afraid that when I apply to a school and send them my transcripts I'll get shot down. Could I just not submit some of my transcripts and make a fresh start? We've moved out of state this year and I have not gone to school in my new state yet.

Please please tell me there's hope and all is not lost!!! Has anyone been in this situation? What did you do? Thank you for your help. :)

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I think you should look into the schools that you are interested in attending and check for several things; the required pre and co-requisites, how many seats are in the program, if they will let you repeat the required classes and such. Some friends I know started off brand spanking new and did not admit to attending other schools, and were successful. It may be frustrating repeating some classes, but, you may actually do even better.

Thanks for writing back. I'm gathering up info on the schools in my area to see what my options are. Gosh, I wish I didn't play around so much when I was younger. I guess you live and you learn.

I am currently having this issues. I am looking into nursing programs and because of my cum gpa in my first degree I am not eligible to even apply. Can I apply as a first degree student??

I am currently having this issues. I am looking into nursing programs and because of my cum gpa in my first degree I am not eligible to even apply. Can I apply as a first degree student??

You run the risk of being dismissed or not accepted if caught in this deception. Some people get caught if they use their SSN as an identifier or get involved in the financial aid process. You have to decide if it is worth the risk if you think there is a heightened possibility that you might be found out. Lots of people are successful at this, but some do get caught and suffer the consequences. Good luck.

Specializes in Peds Medical Floor.

Try a community college. They will usually have lower standards (nothing against community colleges - I got my LPN from one!). You can take pre req's, get A's and then apply to the nursing school. Talk to an advisor about it. I had a 1.67 GPA in my first college because I didn't take school seriously and I'm one semester away from being an RN!

Specializes in Peds Medical Floor.

I didn't realize how old this post is, but I be it's still relevant!

I'm currently worrying about this also.. My transcripts from other colleges are not the greatest.. I was going through a rough period in my life.. I was talking to a friend today, and I was balling on the phone just thinking to myself "im not sure if I can do this or not".... I mean how bad would it look, for a nursing director to sit down and look at them.... They suck... Definitely over a 2.0, but still... I just feel hopeless i guess. I almost want to schedule meetings with the directors before they receive my stuff... to let them know how serious I am about nursing, and that I have changed.. Any advice would be appreciated.. The thing that keeps me going, is that if you really really want something to happen, it can... by not giving up....

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