anyone else changing careers to go into nursing?

Nurses Announcements Archive


Hi everyone!

Is anyone else here totally changing careers to go to nursing school? I guess I'm looking for a little encouragement that it's OK for me to want to get out of the corporate/business world that I HATE and go into nursing!

What are your thoughts and reasons? Here's a little about me -- I have a degree in Advertising and I've been in the business world for almost 5 years now. I just have no interest in business-related things, and I have no desire to climb the proverbial corporate ladder. To me, nursing seems like something totally different from that. I can't say I've had a passion for it my whole life, like some people can. It only just occurred to me about 6 months ago. But I just want something different -- I HATE sitting at a computer and being bored out of my mind for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week!!

Anyone else in a similar situation?

amy :)

Hi Amyrae, I currently work at an office (my last day is today becuase I start my RN program the 21st!) and I cant stand the 40 hrs of sitting at a desk either! I'm really looking forward to nursing and running away from the office (Ive been working part& full time here for over 2 years, ever since I was 18). :) I could never imagine spenging my life at an office job. Its just not me (and I guess not you either:))


I was wondering how you found a nursing school?


I, too, am a career changer. I currently am a geographic information system specialist. What's that you ask? I make maps and manage data on computers. Sounds interesting you say? All I do all day long is type and click away on my mouse. Really, a monkey could do this.

I already have a bachelors, but am working on my pre-reqs so that I can go to a 2 year bachelors program starting in summer 2004. It sure is nice to get a paycheck right now and get benefits. Nursing will be a big change, but it will be nice to actually work face to face with people. There are far too many cubicle jobs and nursing seems to be such a diverse field. I look forward to finally going to nursing school!


I was wondering how you went about finding a nursing school? was it difficult to find one?


I'm also leaving the 'Corporate Environment' to pursue a career in nursing. In May of 2001 I graduated with a BBA in Finance. I worked as a 'Financial Analyst' for a year, was laid-off, and now I'm working as an analyst for a mortgage company while I attend a part-time BSN program.

I basically got tired of SLAVING behind a desk all day and having it benefit NO ONE but the freakin' company CEO!!!

I figure, if I'm going to be working 80-hour work weeks, I want to be able to SEE someone benefiting from all of my hard-work. As cliched as it may sound, I decided on a career in nursing for the 'emotional satisfaction'!!


I'm looking for a part-time situation going to nursing school and i live in you happen to know of any programs that are part-time in california? maybe i should do some more research....thanks,


Hi everyone,

A lot of you are mid-life career changers like myself but I come from a profession that, like nusing, is a job where you help make a difference- teaching. I loved doing it for 5 years but could no longer ignore the low pay. Yes, it's so great to do something you love but you won't love it that much if you don't get paid what you need. The cost of living has gone up, gas, housing, etc. so I looked into nursing and realized it pays a lot more. The negative side of it is that you work crazy hours. Especially in the beginning, you have to pay your dues so it won't be easy.

I am hoping to get into an ACCELERATED OPTION one-year program (that is for people who already hold a B.A. in another field) but what I am finding is that getting into nursing school is almost impossible in big cities like mine- Miami. There is a LONG wait list or you simply get rejected. I heard of people with 3.5 GPAs that cannot get accepted due to faculty shortage.

So this is freaking me out...I'm studying so much on my hard science prereqs and just might run into this problem later is scary.

To add to the dilemma: I just got offered a job that I could love- it's educating people about pet issues, etc but the pay is just a tad more than teaching so I'm going monday to try to negotiate salary. I just can't drop all that I've done to prep for nursing for another fun but low-paying job. Tough choices to make!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
I think that if you decide to do something else go for it. I cannot imagine doing a job I hate for years and years.


I agree with this :)

hello everyone,

this is my first post. i am considering becoming a nurse, but have no idea where to start or if i am making a good career choice. i have an associates degree in applied science graduated in 1984. i have been working in an office administration position for the last 18 years and have recently, since january been unemployed and working at various temp positions and freelance work. i have been thinking about getting into health care for over a year. i believe that i would enjoy nursing. i just don't know where to even start, how to pay for school, and how to go about getting a job in the health care field while i am going to school, am i too old to start? does anyone have any suggestions for me? heidi

hi heidi,

i am a fellow career changer and hopefully i can help you out a bit.

first of all, you are never too old to start!! if nursing is something you feel passionate about, by all means pursue it. life is too short to spend time doing a job you loathe. :steps off soapbox: :)

as for paying for school, you can go to the fafsa website

you'll have to fill out a fafsa form and go from may be eligible for various loans and grants.

i do not know about working while you are actually in nursing school, you may have to thumb through other threads to get the opinions of people who are already in nursing school.

if you have to complete your prereqs first, then getting a job in the healthcare field would defnitely boost your application.

i hope this helped some.

good luck!

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

I am in the nursing class right now with one guy who has a masters in business and he was a very succesfull at what he did. He just quit and started nursing school. I think that is grat that he had the courage to do that on his own. Go for it!!!

Specializes in ER, ICU, Cardiac, Med-Surg.

with all that office experience, you would be able to get a clerical position at many health care facilities. you could then start taking prerequisites toward a nursing program.

funding can come from many sources. some hospitals will sponsor nursing students in exchange for a work commitment after becoming a nurse. and every health care facility i know of offers some kind of tuition reimbursement for their employees. then, of course there are scholarships, traditional financial aid and loans. call around to various places and ask what they offer. you might be surprised what is available. i did that myself in the year before applying to my nursing program. i ended up getting a hospital to pay my tuition for 2 years (as i had no financial aid left after previously going to college)

i say, go for it! i considered making the leap myself for a couple years. once i decided to do it, though, i have not looked back.

hello everyone,

this is my first post. i am considering becoming a nurse, but have no idea where to start or if i am making a good career choice. i have an associates degree in applied science graduated in 1984. i have been working in an office administration position for the last 18 years and have recently, since january been unemployed and working at various temp positions and freelance work. i have been thinking about getting into health care for over a year. i believe that i would enjoy nursing. i just don't know where to even start, how to pay for school, and how to go about getting a job in the health care field while i am going to school, am i too old to start? does anyone have any suggestions for me? heidi

I'm a 50 year old male considering a career change to nursing. I was in accounting in my prior life, and have a B.S. in Accounting and MBA degrees.

I have been a controller for most of my accounting career. Unfortunately, I have experienced several downsizings in my career. It is extremely difficult in my area for someone my age to find a management position in accounting.

I was contemplating a career change to becoming a financial planner, and passed the Certified Financial Planner exam late last year. But for some reason, I am attracted to nursing. It is such a drastic change, and it will be a sacrifice for me. There are no nursing schools nearby, so I will have to commute about one hour or so each way on most days. I have a wife and two kids, so I want to make sure I have time for them.

I want to spend the last part of my life doing something meaningful. Nursing seems like an excellent career for even someone my age.

I will probably need to go to a diploma school. I have found that the second degree BSN programs require too many prerequisites. I want to become a RN in the quickest time possible.

Specializes in LTC and MED-SURG.
i'm a 50 year old male considering a career change to nursing. i was in accounting in my prior life, and have a b.s. in accounting and mba degrees.

i have been a controller for most of my accounting career. unfortunately, i have experienced several downsizings in my career. it is extremely difficult in my area for someone my age to find a management position in accounting.

i was contemplating a career change to becoming a financial planner, and passed the certified financial planner exam late last year. but for some reason, i am attracted to nursing. it is such a drastic change, and it will be a sacrifice for me. there are no nursing schools nearby, so i will have to commute about one hour or so each way on most days. i have a wife and two kids, so i want to make sure i have time for them.

i want to spend the last part of my life doing something meaningful. nursing seems like an excellent career for even someone my age.

i will probably need to go to a diploma school. i have found that the second degree bsn programs require too many prerequisites. i want to become a rn in the quickest time possible.

i think your background is good for nursing because you have learned to work with clients, sometimes in stressful situations. have you consired lpn then lpn to rn bridge

i suggest this because you may have all the prerequisites required for a 1 year lpn program, then a 1 year bridge program. (this is possible in georgia, not sure about other sates)

Hi everyone!

Is anyone else here totally changing careers to go to nursing school? I guess I'm looking for a little encouragement that it's OK for me to want to get out of the corporate/business world that I HATE and go into nursing!

What are your thoughts and reasons? Here's a little about me -- I have a degree in Advertising and I've been in the business world for almost 5 years now. I just have no interest in business-related things, and I have no desire to climb the proverbial corporate ladder. To me, nursing seems like something totally different from that. I can't say I've had a passion for it my whole life, like some people can. It only just occurred to me about 6 months ago. But I just want something different -- I HATE sitting at a computer and being bored out of my mind for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week!!

Anyone else in a similar situation?

amy :)

Hi, everybody-

I am making the career change as well. I know what I am getting into as far as nursing is involved. I have been a CNA and am a combat medic also. I job shadowed nurses at the local hospital on the night shift for a week to get a better feel for the job. It isfar from a peaches and cream job but I have worked at some very lousy and smelly jobs. This one offers its own set of rewards.People do not always say thanks but just one person makes all the difference in you day. I have talked to many othes in the profession and found out their reasons for being there. My mom is an RN as well. She worked in oncology for years and then for Hospice. God bless her.It takes a special person to do this kind of work. I hope I can rise to her level of love and care.

I am working as much as possible right now to help out with the income loss while I am in school.My husband says "go for it" and this is really hard for him to say to me. He is the nicest guy but we have been experiencing our own set of problems since returning from overseas deployments. It seems like we are in separate hemispheres at times.I know I am part of the solution to this by being able tyo get a job that keeps me closer to home .It will also allow us to have a family which has been impossible up to now with deployments and jobs keeping us apart.

So, everyone follow your hearts but use some common sense in researching all aspects of the career first. It is time well spent.


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