Kentucky won't set nursing ratios

Nurses Activism


Lawmakers in Minnesota and Washington have passed laws in recent weeks limiting the amount of overtime nurses can be required to work. But Kentucky won't do the same just yet, as lawmakers have turned aside two nurse-staffing bills.

Louisville Courier-Journal, March 29, 2002


Kentucky won't set nursing ratios - at least for now

Legislators let two bills die for this session

By Patrick Howington

[email protected]

The Courier-Journal

''We already have a nurse shortage. . . . Where are the people going to come from?''

Carol Ormay, Kentucky Hospital Association

FRANKFORT -- How many hours can a hospital nurse work and still treat patients safely? And how many patients can one nurse safely care for?

Those have traditionally been matters for hospital officials to determine. But that is changing, as state governments become more concerned about patients tended by tired or overworked nurses.

This year, California became the first state to set minimum nurse-to-patient ratios for hospitals; other state legislatures are considering similar measures.

In the past two weeks, Minnesota and Washington became the fourth and fifth states to enact laws limiting the amount of overtime nurses can be required to work, and protecting them if they refuse.

Kentucky won't join those states, however -- at least not this year. Legislators turned aside two nurse-staffing bills during this session of the General Assembly, which ends soon.

The bills, backed by nursing groups, would have required hospitals and nursing homes to set and post their minimum staffing levels and be held accountable for them. It also would have restricted mandatory overtime if a nurse felt too tired to care for patients.

While the measures may have the laudable goals of protecting patients and easing nurses' burdens, they are seemingly undercut by the shortage of nurses.

Overstretched nurses are ''a serious problem, there's no question about it,'' Rep. Steve Nunn, a Glasgow Republican, said yesterday at a legislative hearing. ''But . . . if you don't work overtime, then who's going to be at the health-care facility to take care of people if we've got this shortage?''

Nunn was addressing four nurses and a nursing-union organizer who had spoken to the House Health and Welfare Committee in support of House Bill 91, a broad nurse-staffing measure. It was sponsored by Rep. Joni Jenkins, D-Shively, at the urging of the Nurses Professional Organization.

The committee took up the measure for discussion only and did not vote on it yesterday, which means it's dead for this session. But legislators indicated the subject of nurse staffing might deserve study before the next session.

A more narrow measure to limit mandatory overtime, sponsored by Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, D-Louisville, herself a registered nurse, also did not win approval. However, it was replaced with a measure directing an interim legislative committee to study the length of work shifts of nurses and other health-facility employees. That measure is pending.

Nurses and advocates for staffing requirements and overtime limits say they are needed because of sweeping changes in health care in recent years. Those changes include staff downsizing by some hospitals and movement by many nurses away from hospital duty to less stressful work, such as in doctors' offices and home health care.

Combined with greater opportunities for young women in careers other than nursing, the result has been fewer and older hospital nurses. And they are coping with a sicker population because less severe cases increasingly are handled as outpatients.

Today hospital nurses ''find ourselves frustrated, overworked and abused,'' including by being forced to work extra hours, Patty Clark, a longtime nurse at Norton Audubon Hospital and president of the NPO union, told legislators yesterday.

Such feelings are widespread. A survey conducted last year for the American Nurses Association found that more than 40 percent of nurses would not feel comfortable having a family member cared for where they work, and 54 percent would not recommend nursing as a profession. More than two-thirds cited inadequate staffing as a chief cause in the decline of care.

The Kentucky Nurses Association ''gets at least five to 10 calls a week from nurses who feel like they don't have the staff to cover'' a unit's patients safely, said Maureen Keenan, the association's executive director.

One of the nurses who addressed legislators yesterday, Suzette Sewell, said she was fired from Audubon in 1998 for refusing to work overtime. Now a nursing Ph.D. candidate at the University of Kentucky, she said the profession needs safeguards similar to those of the airline and trucking industries, in which pilots and drivers' travel time is limited to protect the public.

But hospital officials and business leaders oppose requiring hospitals and nursing homes to meet rigid staffing ratios.

''We already have a nurse shortage -- a total health-care worker shortage,'' said Carol Ormay, a vice president of the Kentucky Hospital Association. ''Where are the people going to come from?''

''Hospital administrators don't need a bill to tell us what to do, because we do what's right anyway,'' said Teresa Parker, chief administrator of Norton Southwest Hospital and a registered nurse.

Parker said her hospital has guidelines for nurse-to-patient ratios for different units -- such as intensive care, where a nurse might handle two patients, or a medical-surgical floor, where six patients to a nurse might be normal.

But flexibility is needed, she said. If patients are sicker, or healthier, a different ratio might be appropriate. And without the ability to make nurses work overtime, she said, there might not be enough staff for the patients on hand.

Another concern is that staffing requirements could boost the cost of hospital care and thus health-insurance premiums.

Health insurance is such a large portion of employee-benefit costs today that anything that would boost premiums raises concerns, said Tony Sholar, lobbyist for the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.

''Somewhere, there's a balance between the highest quality of care that we can get and what we can afford to pay for,'' he said.

Jenkins' measure does not go as far as the California law, which calls for state health authorities to set staffing minimums for different types of hospital units.

The staffing requirements -- for example, one nurse per eight babies in a well-baby nursery, one nurse per two burn-unit patients, and so on -- are not as stringent as the state nursing association wanted, but more strict than hospitals favored.

Hi -jt. You're probably well aware that KY is one of those states with right to work and at will laws. Can you clarify for me? Does your 500,000 licensed nurses also include those who are working but not at the bedside?

I would like to know if you or someone can tell me or refer me to sources where I can get information on the breakdown of licensed nurses per state or region, percentage employed per setting, average age per state or region and so on? It would be interesting to compare this data.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

From: HHS, Bureau of Health Professions

The Registered Nurse Population:

Findings from the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses


The 2000 Survey found too few young people are choosing careers in nursing, and the average age of registered nurses has increased substantially. In 1980, 52.9 percent of RNs were younger than age 40; in 2000, 31.7 percent were younger than 40. In 1980, 26 percent of RNs were under the age of 30, but by 2000, less than 10 percent were under age 30.

This Seventh National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses was conducted in 2000 and published February 22, 2002. It is the nation's most extensive and comprehensive source of statistics on all those with current licenses to practice in the United States, whether or not they are employed in nursing. It provides information on

the number of registered nurses

their education background and specialty areas

their employment status, including type of employment setting, position level, and salaries

their geographic distribution; and

their personal characteristics including gender, racial/ethnic background, age, and family status.

Full report of 2000 National Sample Survey of RNs is available in html text or pdf. Free copy is available from link at site.


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Will post this as separate post too for all to access. Karen

The 500,000 were licensed experienced nurses nation-wide who are not only not working at the bedsides - they are not working in nursing - period. These statistics came from the research report commissioned by Congress to study the causes of the bedside nurses "shortage" through the General Accounting Office in DC. It was released to Congress last May.

Nurses blamed working conditions & compensation as the reason they are not working in the profession & in survey indicted that they would consider coming back if these were improved.

The report found that the American Hospitals Associations claims that there just are no nurses is not true & it recommends that healthcare administrators look at their own facility's policies, practices, and environments to find out why nurses dont want to work for them anymore. It concludes that there are enough nurses right now - they just dont want hospital jobs - and it basically tells the hospitals to look in the mirror for the reason why.

107th Congress

'Maldistribution' of Nurses is More Likely Than Actual Shortage, Report Says

Also, The data youre looking for is in the link Karen posted. This national survey of nurses conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which Karen mentions in the post above, showed that the number of RNs employed in nursing in the U.S. increased by only 4 percent between 1996 and 2000. During the same period, the number of licensed RNs NOT employed in nursing increased by more than 11 percent.

In New York State, for instance, the survey estimated that the percentage of the entire NY workforce of licensed RNs not employed in nursing increased from 15.2 percent in 1996 to 19.0 percent in 2000, higher than the national rate of 18.3 percent.

The VP of the Kentucky Hospital Association says in a post above that this trend is not happening in her state. Maybe one of the Kentucky nurses could look up her states statistics in that report & post the data here to see if the VP's info is right.

Of course the KHA doesn't want the legislature to pass laws for mandatory staffing ratios in Ky because then they would have to hire more nurses and spend more money providing the wonderful patient care they spend the PR dollars advertising and maybe would have to let a PR person or two go.

We work short,get little or no assistance from nursing management and get a new t-shirt as the latest management strategy for appeasing the peons ,while the managers get retreats and bonuses for keeping costs down. So why would anyone in hospital management want mandatory ratios?I would enjoy having a 16 hour day made up of schmoozing at the water cooler,going out to a fancy lunch and getting the hard job of writing proposals instead of missing lunch at least half of the time,getting dirty with who knows what at work and having a future of a bad back,varicose veins,and a small pension ahead of me. I love nursing but it has been a long time since I have felt I was really practicing nursing,instead of just playing catch up.

Wow, Karen and JT. Keep posting - I learn every time! You two might be added to my list of mentors. :-)

All i hope is that the people that had there hand in the decision to not give the ky nurses ratio limits and the right to work only their shift they are scheduled for have a long hospital stay!

You wonder why no one wants to work in this field anymore?

Who would want to go to their job every day and not know if they were going to be able to leave when their assigned shift was over. You wonder why the young are not going into this field? How could you ever have any kind of life? If you have children try and find a day care or private sitter that is willing to watch your children just because the hospital says you have to stay another shift. We are suppose to be educated health care providers where does it make any sence that any human being is suppose to work 16 hr shifts at the drop of a hat, every other weekend and all the holidays. Put their personal life on hold every time the hospital says so. What kind of life is that. It is no life!


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