Joining ANA and Getting Set Up For ANCC completion

Nurses Activism


I "joined ANA" in December.. or so I thought... somehow my paperwork got to nowhere land... the fault may lie in my fax tranmission... although, at one point, I did get a note of confirmation by my machine....

Now what to do....

I wish to take the ANCC Board Certification in May... must register by Feb. 22 etc...

I will rejoin etc... but am now thinking I will joing through my local office (state wise) to get the receipt etc...

I have called the ANCC office and have received two different answers (basically am convinced they do not know the correct answers....) so... have requested a book about the ANCC testing... rles and reg. etc...

1- Is it worth it to pay... a whole years memebership to get the discount (it appears to save about $ 140.00).. 2- does this give you the discount?

3- What is the best way to pay for my membership and insure a receipt at this late date? 4- Will it make a difference?

I have made several attempts to contact my local state association.. honestly.. they seem unable to follow through with my requests for a simple application. I can and may camp out at their office sometime soon.

Any suggestions are apreciated...


Specializes in CV-ICU.

Well, you can always go the old-fashioned low tech method and call the ANA offices at 1-800-274-4262 and talk to a real live person during Eastern Standard Time business hours Mon-Fri and maybe they could help you faster.:)

(The number is listed on their web site)

I have called... and faxed :o

Specializes in CV-ICU.

I don't know what to say, then. I have had good response from the ANA office staff in the past when I needed answers to some of my questions in a hurry.

I thought I was being humorous with my last post here, but have been told that I came off a being rather rude. I guess that some things that people say in real life don't always read as funny when written. I'd been at a meeting this week where someone was upset with another person for never answering his e-mails, and the 2nd person then asked when was the last time the 1st person had used the telephone (#2s' computer was in the shop)!

I'm sorry if I sounded sarcastic or rude, that was not my intention.:o

Jenny... I thought you were just in a hurry... no offensive taken... but thank you for your kindness in apologizing....

I too have had good success with general questions at ANA... Honestly, the ANCC department has contradicted what they have said (in so far as which form I needed and whether the memebership discount applies in certain circumstances).

At this point, if I get the discount with paying the years membership, I think it would benenfit me by paying it in person to actually obtain a receipt. Again, am still checking and asking this same question myself.

Here are my questions in sticking to the point of my query:

1- Is it worth it to pay... a whole years memebership to get the discount (it appears to save about $ 140.00).. 2- does this give you the discount?

3- What is the best way to pay for my membership and insure a receipt at this late date? 4- Will it make a difference?

My questions are related to the ANCC; that is where I have had the mix up and am waiting for their catalog. The cut off date for early registration for the Certifications and Board Certifications is February 22.

In peace,



Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

RE ANA membership problems:

I forwarded to Lori Artz, PSNA Communications Director Friday a letter re problems some members having receiving memberships cards and information. Received a response today from ANA and have PM'd those persons I'm aware off having problems.

Please follup with Susan Rimland personallly to resolve any problems.



Dear Karen:

I understand that you are in contact with a number of ANA members that have had difficulty in receiving their ANA membership cards. I hope that I can be of some assistance.

I oversee the central membership billing operation. We are responsible for issuing membership cards for all CMA members whose states elect to use this service (such as PSNA.) Unfortunately, not all do make this selection. Some state associations do their own billing and issue their own membership cards.

The new ANA/Maine happens to be one of these non-centrally billed CMAs. As you are aware, this is a new organization that was formed after the disaffiliation of MSNA last spring. They have encountered some growing pains but hopefully are now on track. If I can get specific names of members encountering difficulties, I will be happy to forward them on to ANA/Maine's membership person.

As far as other states, I would need specifics to be able to assist. While we did encounter a few glitches with an upgrade to our central billing database this fall, we believe that all centrally-billed members should be receiving membership cards in a timely fashion. If this is not the case, I need to know to assure that this is corrected. If the problem lies in the non-centrally billed states, I will be happy to follow up one-on-one to resolve these issues.


Susan Rimland

Director, Revenue Operations

[email protected] (Susan Rimland)

:) : ) :) :)

I contacted Membership about her problem too. heres the response:


Thank you for your message. Please have her contact us directly at 1-800-923-7709 with regard to her membership questions. With regard to the ANCC questions, please have her contact our Customer Care Center directly at 1-800-284-2378.

Thank you

Revenue Operations - Customer Service Representative

Please note: Please include have her include previous

communications in her email so we know which issue she is referring to, as messages are deleted once we have read and responded to them.

Thank you>>>>>>>>

hmmmmm... Good News to share with my Update...

When I called today to resolve my "issue" they asked if I had called recently.. apparantely they were aware there was a mix-up with someone joining in Wyoming.. hmmm ... lol (I mean really... how many people call from Wyoming?).. to clarify what I am saying and giggling about... I think between Jenny and Karen calling .. they were award that there was a mix up about someone in Wyoming.. lol small world huh?


Got it resolved once and for all.. "rejoined" made sure they were able to process my draft etc.. Danielle Steele (very helpful and clear on "the process") was informative and set me on the right path to my membership.

FYI - To take advantage of the discounted rate for the Board Certification, I did need to pay the years membership up front.

Heh.. in 4 weeks I will have a card to prove I am a card carrying member of the ANA... kewl! ;)

Thank you to all for your support and suggestions.. as usual a special thanks belongs to ((((((((((Karen and Jenny P.))))))))))))



LOL well I didnt call - I just sent a couple of emails about your problem & the one in Maine. Im glad that between all 4 of us, it finally got straightened out for you. Enjoy & good look on your exam.


LOL well I didnt call - I just sent a couple of emails about your problem & the one in Maine. Im glad that between all 4 of us, it finally got straightened out for you. Enjoy & good luck on your exam.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Glad it's resolved.

:D :D :D

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