Final Report on RN Population: Check out National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses

Nurses Activism


Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

from: hhs, bureau of health professions

the registered nurse population:

findings from the national sample survey of registered nurses


the 2000 survey found too few young people are choosing careers in nursing, and the average age of registered nurses has increased substantially.

in 1980, 52.9 percent of rns were younger than age 40; in 2000, 31.7 percent were younger than 40.

in 1980, 26 percent of rns were under the age of 30, but by 2000, less than 10 percent were under age 30.

this seventh national sample survey of registered nurses was conducted in 2000 and published february 22, 2002. it is the nation's most extensive and comprehensive source of statistics on all those with current licenses to practice in the united states, whether or not they are employed in nursing. it provides information on

*the number of registered nurses

*their education background and specialty areas

*their employment status, including type of employment setting, position level, and salaries

*their geographic distribution; and

*their personal characteristics including gender, racial/ethnic background, age, and family status.

full report of 2000 national sample survey of rns is available in html text or pdf. free copy is available from link at site.


check out the blue sidebar for additional info available at hhs: bureau of health professions



student assistance

national health service corps

kids into health careers

education and

training programs



medicine & dentistry


public health


national center for health workforce analysis

health professional shortage areas


special programs

children's hospital graduate medical education

practitioner data banks

ricky ray hemophilia relief fund

great stuff, very important survey


Excellent website and information. The sidebar had great links to other Data that is timely and near and dear to my heart (and frutration lately). An example is:

Nursing > Data and Reports > Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in Hospitals

Viewing nursing care as an integral

Many others of interest also.

Thanks Karen!


Much appreciation, Karen. This data is very informative. Lot's to be gleaned and to learn from.

Karen, I just reviewed some of the information in the HRSA website and it's very substantial. Do you think it would be helpful to permanently place it at the beginning of this area on nursing activism/politics until HRSA does it's next comprehensive update or the information is totally outdated?

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Will discuss with Brian.

Specializes in Hospice and palliative care.

One other note about the RN Survey:

Be sure to read the sections about job satisfaction. One of my professors, Dr. Julie Sochalski, is one of the authors of the report and I remember when we discussed workforce issues in class, she emphasized the fact that staff nurses in ALL areas reported a lower job satisfaction than non-staff nurses. Very interesting.

Also, if anyone does download it to their hard drive, don't be alarmed if it seems to take a long time--it comes out to 135 pages in PDF format! :eek:

Laurie :kiss

I printed it out because scrolling through things makes me sea sick. Now I have to go out and buy more printer paper. The part that jumped out at me also was the satisfaction section. I have always noticed that the people who chirp on and on about how wonderful being a nurse is are usually in non bedside rolls. The best you can usually get out of a bedside nurse is, "I love nursing BUT!" Even nurses who have a lot of patient exposure but are not at the bedside as staff nurses are pretty happy with their jobs. It is not what some people think ie: the bedpans and blood and sputum, there is just tooooo much to do at the bedside. Nobody above the level of supervisor or unit manager seem to know this.

Hi. You know, you folks are right. In particular, I could not help but notice that the survey points out that we diploma nurses seem to express the most dissatisfaction at the bedside. A great many of us started nursing practice even before Medicare and Medicaid. I think the financial and structural changes that took place in the 1980's and 1990's in health and medical care broke the hearts of many nurses, especially the ones who've practiced for years and years. On the same vein, most of the 300,000 some odd non-working RNs in this country are diploma nurses. Much of that probably has to do with the fact that we're the oldest nurses in the bunch.

What is really sad and I think this has been emphasized over and over again on this bb lately is that only 10% of all nurses are under 30 years of age. No real relief seen in sight. That does not bode well for the public's health.

I remember being a very new nurse and medicare coming into play. It was so well intentioned but it set off a feeding frenzy of greed at a lot of levels. The amazing thing was how long it took the goverment to catch on to what was happening. And yes, the last 5 years hit those of us who remember medicine for humanities sake very hard.

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