Does your employer make accommodations for your disability?

Nurses Disabilities


The working world is a strange place. You work in a zillion crappy jobs for most of your life, and then, if you're very, very lucky, you find the right job. You go along for a year or two, thinking you've got it made, being glad to get up every morning and go to work. Then....some life-changing event fetches you upside the head with a two-by-four, and you find yourself in the mud, sprawled on your assets and wondering what the deuce happened.

In thirty-five years of working, it never once occurred to me that I would ever need the Americans with Disabilities Act. I never thought I'd have to be treated as a special case in order to perform my job at an acceptable level. Every workplace has its sad sacks who can only do day shift, or work in a single department, or work only a few days per week; some folks feel sorry for them, while others ignore them or even bully them.

I just joined them. Next week I'm starting a four-day week because my company has decided I need more time off because of concerns over my mental health. I'm good with that; in nursing, five-day weeks are hell, and they wear me out. It's the reason for going to four-day work weeks that galls me, as does the fact that several people from the upper echelons have told me that they expect me to use the extra day to "rest and rejuvenate" (their words, not mine).

As much as I'd like for altruism to be the driving force here---and there is some genuine worry on the company's part because they know me well and have always liked me---I've been on the business end of things enough to know that this isn't all about making Viva happy. It's about the fact that they see me as a potential ADA issue and need to show that they are working with me; if they were to fire me without having at least attempted to accommodate my 'disability', they'd be toast because they have no other reason to let me go.

Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the help, not only because I fear being 50-something and jobless in this economy, but because I really do like my job and want to stay there until I'm done with nursing. It simply feels like something fundamental has shifted in my work life, and it will never go back to what it once was. I'm branded now.....I'm someone who "needs accommodations". And that feels really, really weird.

So, how many of you are working under similar conditions? Does your employer work with you willingly as mine is doing, or did they have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century? What sort of accommodations do you need---restrictions on physical activity, time off for medical appointments, a quiet space in which to work, reduced hours? And how is this helping you succeed on the job---if it helps at all? Inquiring minds want to know!

Specializes in Psych.

I have bipolar disorder and had to disclose to my current employer due to a hospitalization (didn't know I was BP at the time, just thought it was MDD). My employer made it VERY hard to come back and since ai haven't been there a year, I'm not eligible for FMLA. I am also treated differently now, and I WORK in psych. Thank god I found another job, because my employers change in.attitude towards me has been very difficult to deal with. I'moutta there in 3 weeks, can't wait

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

((((TerpGal)))) I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm glad you got another job...hopefully you won't have to disclose with your new employer, or if you do, that they'll be more understanding.

I didn't have a choice either, when for some reason my brain decided to play a nasty little game and sent me into a hypo/manic episode that could've killed my career. (I write 'hypo/manic' because I've never been sure if that was a full-blown manic episode or just a really severe hypomanic episode.) I was having a great time, but things got so bad that my co-workers were worried about me and went to my boss. Needless to say, I had NO insight and had the nerve to be shocked when I was called in to discuss the issue.

I promptly 'fessed up and he gave me several days off, with pay, to get the episode under control. I did, and that was the end of it until recently. Unfortunately, I've been doing a lot of rapid cycling and it's come back to bite me in the badonkadonk......which is how I came to start this thread.

Hope things go well for you in this next position. Good luck!

Specializes in Psych.

I rapid cycle too, we are trying to get it under control. It seems that there is a large hormonal influence on my mood. But I KNOW that and take self care measures to avoid totally losing it. I am also fairly stable now (god I LOVE Lamictal) and it will hopefully get better. My hypomanias are not fun. I become oneirritable, agitated ***** on wheels that cannot sleep due to constant ruminations on how much my life sucks and how much everyone ****** me off. I lie awake at night with that until the Elavil and klonopin kick in, althought again, MUCH better than before.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Well, who knew......."reasonable accommodations" can be a GOOD thing, no matter how or why one arrives at this point.

I'm just about to complete the third week of my new schedule, and I have to say it rocks!! I don't mind the 10-hour days one bit; I get a lot more done when I'm not worried about having enough time to do it, and now I'm out of the office and seeing the residents more often. What a concept. And that extra day I actually feel like DOING something, like going out to a movie or shopping instead of sprawling on the sofa every Saturday morning and arising only to attend church on Sunday and then spend the rest of the day preparing for the next week of work.

But the proof was in the pudding today when I was discussing this with my head doc, who notices everything and is my number-one cheerleader (outside family, of course). He saw right away that my affect was much brighter and I looked far more relaxed than I had at my February appointment, and I told him about the schedule change. Naturally, he said the same thing everybody else has---that at the end of the day, HOW I got the help didn't matter, only that I got it and am doing better because of it.

And so it goes. :)

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
Well, who knew......."reasonable accommodations" can be a GOOD thing, no matter how or why one arrives at this point.

And so it goes. :)

I am so happy for you!!!!! My experience has been vastly different...but my disability physical! ((HUGS))

Specializes in OB/GYN/Neonatal/Office/Geriatric.

I have broken body and broken brain! I had a great employer who tried to accomodate me, but my issues continued to persist. I am ordered to quit work by my health and my doctor. I am afraid for the future as my husband does not make enough. If you can keep job with accomodation that is great. I hope it works out well for you and you can continue working as long as YOU WANT to.

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