Trying to find employment

Nurses Recovery


I have been trying to find a job for a little while and I have been discouraged. I have applied for case management, MDS coordinator, wellness director. I have a 6 month controlled substance restriction, but even if I didn't I have no intention of going back in regular bedside nursing. I have had 2 interviews only. I have been truthful on my applications and I know that is why I am not having much luck.

My question to anyone who cares to respond is : Do you answer everything honestly? as in "have you ever been terminated ?", etc. I DO NOT regret my honesty, but I am dismayed because I know of other nurses in my area who have lied and now have jobs. I put down on my applications that I am in our state's monitoring program. I just want to see how everyone else has handled this.

Thank you.

Not sure what state you are in Im in NC but yes honesty will never hurt you. Remember if its meant to be it will. I do wish you luck keep doing the right thing and a job will come when it is suppose to.

yes, we all do need to be honest- however, i would not put on the application that you are in a monitoring program- i would wait & discuss that info during an interview & after you have a job offer. on my application, where it asked if i had ever been terminated- i put down something like "will discuss at interview", & did obviously discuss it, but well into the interview, after i had presented myself well. best of luck!!

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