State Department Foreign Service NP

Specialties NP


Specializes in Internal Medicine.

In another older thread, people discussed the best NP jobs they have ever seen, and it came up that there are NP's that work for the State Department in embassies around the globe. Ever since that time period, I have been somewhat fascinated with that job role, and was curious if any NP's here ever applied for the positions or are currently an NP with the State Department.

Every quarter or so they send out an email if you sign up for their job notifications, and it always says they have "MANY" vacancies throughout the world for Nurse Practitioners. I would imagine there are always vacancies because their requirements are very strict. You need to be an FNP, have a minimum 5 years post graduate (of the FNP program) experience, and 4/5 years has to be in primary care with all age groups. You also need to pass a physical, be under 60 years old, and be able to obtain top secret security clearance. To top it all off, the starting pay isn't very good compared to what an NP is likely making with that experience and skillset.

Even with all that, making an American level salary while living in a cheap place like Southeast Asia would be a dream come true.

If anyone knows anything about this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Well, it sounds fascinating! I'll be interested to see if you receive any responses.

I worked at an American Embassy as a RN. My wife was with the State Dept. And they have what is called EFM positions..(Elgible Family member) positions and I was fortunate that they had a RN EFM position open. Was a small health unit, 1 State Dept NP and 1 local hire RN. The state Dept NP position can be enjoyable....but keep in mind as a person with low senority, you may not be going to the "cushy" places, as you have to bid on the guess who is going to get the more desired spots? Normally not the new person! But 1 does get to see the world on the Govts dime....Housing in some locations is pretty other places not so much. And housing goes by family size, and rank and who kisses butt.whines the most... There are + and -' boss hadsenjoyed her career as a Foreign service NP. In some Embassies/consulates ur the show..and in others there may be another NP, along with Drs, so staffing can vary. if you like picking up and moving every 2-3 yrs, it can be fun. Even better when ur not having to pack everythging up urself, lol The basic pay may be low, but in some areas, I do believe their is extra ur not paying for housing! Still have to pay for Internet....but not having a house payment is a big savings..We rented out our condo....GL

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