Are there any introverted/shy nurses that can give me some advice?

Nurses Relations


I'm a very shy person and I get anxious and nervous with new patients/classes/surroundings. Are there any introverted/shy nurses out there that can give me advice? Can I still be a good nurse after I graduate??

I used to be the same way! I had the hardes time with smalltalk and old grumpy people terrified me! LOL! Anyway, I've learned to be nice and respectful no matter what. Also, people love to talk about themselves so to get the ball rolling I just ask lots of questions and soon it breaks the ice. Ask how they're feeling, if they have children, what they like to do for fun, etc. It really works! Good luck!

Specializes in Psychiatric- Detox and ECT.

Introverts make EXCELLENT nurses! What's the key thing introverts are good at besides being quiet and shy? Listening! No matter what patient population you work with that is a great skill and patients love it! Unlike extroverts who are so hyper they can't shut their mouth! hahah just kidding don't kill me, but seriously there are pros and cons of introverts and extroverts. Both make great nurses. I remember in my clinicals a fellow student asked the teacher why introverts even try to be nurses and stated that introverts should not be nurses. Wrong. Ignorant. The teacher told her that there are certain areas that introverts excell in that extroverts wouldn't such as working in the OR, psych nursing- LOTS of therapeutic listening in this field, just to name a couple. Something I do to help me break out of my shell and be a little more talkative with my patients is to make convo even if it's something stupid like "Great weather we are having huh?" It gets the conversation started and usually the patient will take over and continue and make it easier to talk. Or think of yourself as a chameleon- changing your colors to suit your surroundings. You can make convo off of something you don't know anything about- I like to bring up things that will make them talk more, you come off interested in them and a great listener, both win wins.

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