Accused Of Not Being A Team Player-Have You?

Nurses Relations


So I left my full time ED position and went per-diem alittle over a year ago to explore another job opportunity. I was and still am very thankful for having worked in the ED and felt like it has really propelled me into being the nurse that I am.

Recently I saw a position in the same ED and applied to it. The ANM calls me and schedules an interview which I go in today for. I see the ANM just to let her know I'm here she then says she told the NM to just bring me back FT and that she put in a good word for me. She then calls the NM to find out where she was and says to her did you call all4nursing last week??... oh you didn't... guess you forgot. Then she turned back to me and says wait by her office she's coming.

Finally...the NM comes in (45 min late) but I didn't make a fuss because I know these people, I still work there PD and I know how busy they can be.

She comes in and right off the bat says.. ok All4nursing I was going to call you but I figured it's better to talk to you in person (I'm thinking to myself... ok.. what does that mean?)

She then says she asked around from both the ANM's and some of my colleagues what they felt about me coming back and that the general consensus was that I was not a team player. My heart literally dropped because I have never.. ever had anyone say that I was not a team player in all my 8 years as a nurse. I then say well I've had good evaluations and I always help whenever I can.

She then says don't take it negatively, just think of it as constructive criticism. So now with tears welling in my eyes because this is truly left field. I say that I am shocked because anytime help was asked of me I gave it. And that I could remember many instances where I helped my collegeaus.

She then says don't take it personally all4nursing because the few I asked said they all liked you as a person but that you were only focused on your work???? She never brought up any issues with my skills or competency only that a few people she asked said similar things. She does not give any details or examples beyond that.

I was stunned. I am the most humble, peaceful, non-trouble-making, keep my head down, smiles at everyone sort of employee, and that is not only by my own opinion but many of my co-workers have said the same about me, that I'm easygoing, helpful, and nice to work with. If anything the reason why I left there is because favoritism and nepotism was rampant and had caused the resignation of a few other nurses and Docs as well. I wasn't a favorite because I guess I didn't chummy up to the ANM's. I just kept my head down and worked as hard as possible even when they were giving their favorites the better assignments and etc... I still never even complained and still offered help to everyone equally even as me and a few other nurses continously got the worst assignments. I never even had a personal vendetta against even one of my colleagues.

She then says she has 5 former nurses (me being one) and only 3 positions left. She then said she only had part-time positions left (I thought it was odd that she brought this very important piece of info up towards the end of the convo) then said it would be better for me to take a part-time nights position and work up to full-time by working days and evenings since I am contemplating school and don't have children. She also said that I probably would be making the same anyway working in the ED part-time rotating shifts as my current job. She also asked if I was currently working, if my current manager knew I was leaving and get this... she asked me how come I still had their work ID? To which I told her I never left I was per-diem. This woman has known me for 3 years now and doesn't even remember that I went per-diem. I felt a bit offended that she was trying to force a part-time position on me while trying to convince me that it would work out financially and that I could always wait for a full-time position to open up while working all 3 shifts to make up full-time.

I just feel disgusted because this is where I learned everything I know as an RN, and even defended and commended staff & nursing admin even when other staff members were saying nothing but negative about this same manager and other ANMs. I've turned a blind eye to alot of the obvious favoritism & nepotism of the place ...yet I'm the one who wasn't a team player?

I could've handled anything else she said like maybe I wasn't the brightest or fastest or most assertive (which btw I never had a problem with, evaluations were always good. Only had 1 write up in 3 years) but not being a team player???? That is the farthest from the truth and I couldn't help feel that I was being told a lie because they wanted to give someone else the position and felt because I was still employed elsewhere and because I chose to leave and now want to come back that they're playing hardball. I just had to vent, I'm so sickened by all of it.

What stuck out about your post to me is that you're humble, keep your head down, not a trouble maker etc. I can relate because I am the same way. In my 2 years of being a nurse, I've experienced this same type of scenario that you described. Unfortunately we are easy targets for people that are coworkers. Somehow the strong personalities and people who are constantly stirring things up always seem to prevail in nursing. It's so backwards but it really is the way this is.

Thanks guys! Yes I have never rocked the boat there but I did assert myself a few times. No complaints about me from anyone MD, RN, ANMs.... etc... Always was told that I seemed calm and that I was great to work with (in fact some of my fellow nurses loved working trauma bay with me because they said I kept the bay calm and collected)

Your responses were all very helpful. I don't feel bad about not going back FT because I wasn't 100% sure if that's what I wanted and even though I love this hospital I can find plenty of other small, warm community type hospitals to work in. I'm still per-diem so I'm still getting my experience and will show up with a big smile on my face and the most calmest demeanor when I go to work again. You can't please everyone, and apparently even being curteous and professional isn't enough for everyone and people will still find something negative to say.

Lastly what really doesn't make sense is that she said the few people (2 or 3) she asked about me all like me as a person (I assume that means I had a good attitude and was nice to be around) but somehow that I wasn't helpful or had tunnel vision. To me that seems a bit contraindicative and furthermore I know from the bottom of my own heart that I have never seen a struggling co-worker and not offered help, that is a flat out lie. In fact I was usually the one barely keeping my head above water with 13 patients at a time with no help. I guess they're just upset that I moved on and they weren't privy to know when I left and where I was going and prefer to stick it to me like I stuck it to them (in their mind) Oh well, I'm happy per-diem... very happy!

Thanks all!

Specializes in ICU.
"I felt a bit offended that she was trying to force a part-time position on me"

No, feel a lot offended. This manager is a MAJOR player. Needs midnight staff and is willing to mess with your mind to get it.

Struck a blow to your heart with the team player bs first... then went for the jugular.

Please.. just tell her to stuff it.

I couldn't agree more. You don't want to associate with these shady people. Ugh.

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