Queens University ABSN Program

U.S.A. North Carolina


Since there are not many recent posts about Queens' accelerated BSN program, are there any current students or grads who can give their perspective?

I am applying for Summer 2016 and would love to hear what people think!

Otherwise, is anyone else applying for next year as well?

I thought it was weird too. She actually had to show it to me. My student account makes no mention of the ABSN program but it's on hers under the degree in process tab. It says "requirements not met" as if it's in progress.

Has anyone heard anything? Checked the mail and as of February 2, I've got nothing. was really hoping today would be the day. I live in Charlotte too if that helps

Hi Guys, I just emailed my admissions counselor and she said that they just mailed out decision letters so we should be receiving them soon. Omg so nervous. Good luck to everyone!

I am super nervous too! I'm praying we all get in!

I received my letter and unfortunately it isn't good new. I wish you all the best of luck with admissions. You should receive your letter in the mail today or tomorrow.

I just got an email that said admission decisions were in the mail, and that we could check online through our Queens account. But when I log in to the Queens account I don't see anywhere to click Admissions or Admissions Status. Has anyone else had luck?

Was anybody able to log in and see the decision? As soon as I log in, it won't let me access the admissions tab.

I had the same issue. My mail already arrived for the day and can't stand to wait another 24 hours to learn of there decision.

@duke15 Where did you see the admissions tab?

Top left corner after you log in

Yes top left corner. As soon as I log in, the admission tab goes away. It's weird because I could see my admission status just the other day and didn't have this problem.

Interesting. It's only there when I'm not logged in. If I click on it it says I don't have access and if I log in it disappears.

Also, I'm really sorry nursing2017. I hope that you find another way to get to nursing! I've heard of people entering the traditional 2 year program if the ABSN doesn't work, but I don't know how that works.

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