New Grad needs info on St. Francis Hospital in LI

U.S.A. New York


Hey everyone,

I recently got an interview for an RN position at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, Long Island. I'm super excited and a little nervous since its the first interview I've gotten since graduating this May. Can anyone please give me some info on the hospital, like the type of atmosphere, support available to new grads, salary, or what its like to interview there? I've researched the hospital like crazy but I would like to hear from anyone who has worked there or knows someone that works there.


As a new grad with a BSN on the night shift its 42.70/hr...but base pay minus the BSN and night differential is 38.59. I just spoke to the nurse recruiter today when I got my official offer.


Congrats on getting the job!! I was wondering how was the interview process, and did they explain orientation? Thanks!

Thanks rn0815!

I am a unique case i guess according to HR- they said it was really quick...i applied on Jan 01, 2017, they called me to set up an interview Jan 4, i interviewed Jan 5, and they called me to unofficially offer me the position pending my credentials (because even though i brought them with me, no one asked for them so i had to bring them back in). They send you a website to enter your references in and then it emails your reference after you fill it out and then they have to fill it out online and send it back to St. Francis. The quicker you get them in, the quicker they can review you/make a decision. If you're a new grad you have to have a minimum GPA of 3.4 (they ask for your transcript). The interview process was a panel interview with the nurse manager, the CNS, and a senior clinical nurse, I had no HR interview. It was about one hour and 15 mins of straight questioning from all three of them..pretty in depth questions, mostly situational and behavioral.."tell me a time did you handle it" based on your clinical setting and your work experiences. Since it is a heart hospital they expect you to know basics about the heart, they asked me if i had ever seen a patient with a-fib and asked me to explain it, they also asked me to explain CHF, how i would assess the patient with it, and what treatment regimen would i expect them to be on. They asked me about my organizational style, what my previous bosses and clinical instructors would say about me, what my definition of a caring person was, your favorite clinical, least favorite clinical, how do you prioritize, how do you handle stress, tell us about yourself, walk us through your resume, tell me a time you had to exhibit teamwork, you get slammed with 3 patients that need your attention right now- what do you do?, why nursing?, why St. Francis?, How did you hear about us? etc. They really want to see how you think and how you have handled/would handle situations in the past/present. They also want to know about your knowledge and mostly your knowledge of the cardiovascular system and meds. You have to take a pharmacology exam and get a 90% before you can even start orientation- nurse mgr told me you get one shot, nurse recruiter told me 2 so im not sure but im studying my butt off! once you pass that, orientation is one month in the classroom M-F, 8-4 and you have to pass 3 more exams with a 90% and then floor orientation with a preceptor is anywhere from 9-16 shifts based on your personal need. Thats all i know for now! Hope this helps! (they offered me the position officially the morning of 1/10)


sounds like a lot!! But seems they were very pleasant and organized! I have an upcoming interview and am trying to mentally prepare. Thank you for the advice. When do you start orientation? I am hoping I do well and can get the opportunity to work there.

Wow, the process for you (SW_RN) seemed very quick! Congratulations.

I applied, had an interview just like you described and submitted my references late dec. I'm just waiting for a response.

How long did it take for them to call you back with an offer after the references were submitted?

And when did they say was the next orientation?

Hi StarlightO,

did you hear back from hr yet? Wishing you good luck!!

rn0815 & StarlightO,

thank you! i had all of my references complete before the interview, and they called me and offered me the position unofficially jan 6 and officially jan 10 once my credentials were cleared. orientation begins jan 24. good luck, i hope they call you!

Hi again!!!!

Im so excited for you!!!!! I did get a call as well, trying to study for the exam as they mentioned the orientation date, I'm just nervous about everything as it went so fast! will you be on days or nights?

congrats!!! ill be on nights!

Me too, makes me nervous as I've worked really long days which was sometimes too much in my opinion, but I hope everything works out. Will you be med surg or another dept?

I'll be on cardiac telemetry med-surg I believe is what they told me my unit is. What about you?

Same I'm still very nervous though

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