Some CSN nursing program questions

U.S.A. Nevada


Hey guys! I have been reading this site for the past few weeks and had some questions. :) I am currently finishing my pre-reqs for the CSN RN program. Just have my 251 and 224 to go and I have everything I need to be done, done. (I want to have everything done so no worries about getting 224 done in the first semester!) :yeah:I have 25 points now, without my teas or anything so I am hoping to go for the part time.

I have had to take my sciences more than once, except for 223 and 251. I am worried about the nursing program, it has a schedule so what does it mean if you do not pass a class? I am not a lazy student, I just know from experience some classes are just HARD the first time around. So do they just remove you and you have to start over and reapply if you do not pass a class? I have been working so hard the past couple years trying to get everything done slowly but surely and I dont want to get kicked halfway because of one class. :banghead:

Also, I know there are many scholarships and grants and such for medical students and nursing students. Have any of you had luck with these? Most are for after you are in programs so I am curious.

And lastly, I know this may sound paranoid but it seems the farther I get with my prereq's and in my higher sciences, people are not very nice. A lot of the girls in my science classes are very catty with each other. i understand maybe they see each other as competition, but it is disconcerning. Does this end in the program? I am hoping I have better luck making friends in the program and finding study partners than in my science courses! I am almost thirty...I feel sometimes like I am in high school again LOL.

Just some stuff on my mind, thanks so much! I have been browsing these forums and you ladies are all so helpful and knowledgeable so thanks in advance! :D

I'm currently in second semester of the program. If you fail a class you can have one reinstatement into that semester to try at passing again. If you fail a second time then you would have to start the program over from the beginning. The only rule this doesn't apply to is first semester. If you fail a class in first semester you have to reapply to the program and be accepted again.

I can't comment on grants or scholorships sorry.

I've made good friends in the nursing program. Sure there are probably going to be people you clash with but everyone is very excited when you start the program and all looking to make good friends and find good study partners so I'm sure you will be fine.

AussieAndy. Let's say, u fail one class in 2nd semester (fall), do they let u come back in the spring sem and take the failed class along w/ the classes ur supposed to take that semester? Or is it basically case by case?

No that's not how it works. Say in 2nd semester which is mental health and med surg for full time students. If you fail med surg then you come back in the spring and take mental health and med surg again. However now that I think about it say you don't know if you fail until the very end like finals and you only fail the one class I don't know if you'd just retake that one class in the spring. But you cannot move onto the next semesters classes until you've completed all the ones prior not that you would want to because the work load would be impossible.

Unlike first semester when you would have to reapply...if you fail one class that is the class you repeat. You don't repeat the entire semester. However you also cannot take the class with the next semester of classes you would have taken. And why would you want to? You failed a class, while sometimes it may seem that one semester is easier than another - you don't want to overload yourself, get your second fail and end up at the beginning again.

CSN is not an easy program although it is "just" an ADN program. Be prepared if you have struggled with some of the classes in the prerequisites to work very hard in the program. As far as the people, I have made some incredible friends in the program, and for the most part the students are great. Like anywhere else some people are PITAs - oh well. But this is also a competitive program, we all want to do well. Don't take it personally and you will really enjoy the process. This is an amazing program with amazing students and instructors, come on in the water is fine!

Thanks AussieAndy and madnurse2b.

Another question though, how do u ladies know this? Do they tell you at the end of first semester, if you're in trouble, or can u just go up and ask the director of nursing herself? Can u ask these questions to your advisor or just about ANY instructor would know this info? Or do you know just by talking to current nursing students?

I think they tell you most of this info during orientation. When you get to a certain point in first semester if you aren't doing well you are required to meet with your instructors and forced to go talk to the department (I forget what it's called) that talk to you about why you think you're not doing well and things you can try to help improve your study techniques etc. You can work out as you go along if you're in trouble. They tell you how many total exam points you need to pass so you can keep track as you take each exam and figure out your percentage and what you need to get to pass. If you want to discuss your grades then I would talk directly to your instructor for that specific class.

Thanks again AussieAndy. I just need to wait from now until last week of october. I've been inquiring info on CSN for months now and have heard both good and horror stories. I've checked diff. programs and CSN sounds fair. There's a few people that said, they don't really tell you step-by-step in the orientation on what you're supposed to do when you're not doing well. They just give you a general idea. You're supposed to go to the D building and talk to some department? I wonder if that's some kind of a tutor? I'm sure they don't want to scare anyone in starting the program. I'll be suprised if they have such a "tutoring" program going on? Oh well, I'll just have to wait then.

I don't believe it's tutoring, I think they just kind of ask you about your lifestyle and study habits to see where you might improve so that you do better. I know some representatives come and talk to you during one of your classes early in the program to let you know what they offer. but yeah your teachers will let you know what you need to get on exams and if you don't get it that you need to talk to them etc. Don't worry you'll be fine! The syllabus in first semester is very detailed and like 150 pages long lol.

Thanks again AussieAndy! Of course, you are kidding about the 150 pages right? EEEk? Wait, those pages are combined already right? NURS101 AND the pharm class. It's not that bad then.

hahaha no I'm not kidding and no that's not including pharm, pharm has it's own separate syllabus but it's not that big.

It's the Retention Center. However, again you will know. I have not had a class that didn't give you in the syllabus the number of points and information you need to pass the class. If at one point you are not doing well not only will your instructor talk to you, but you will be referred to retention. If you do fail a class after first semester and you have to repeat the part of the semester then you will also have to go before a faculty committee in order to be reinstated - and explain what you will do to change the reasons why you were not able to maintain the course load.

Don't borrow trouble - there are people who struggle but get C's, there are people who struggle but get A's. There are people with kids, pregnant, with full time jobs. This is doable. You will get through - there are loads of us who are doing it right now.

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