Uworld percentile rank

Nursing Students NCLEX


Can someone please help me understand the bell curve and percentile rank on uworld? I read the Q&A I their website and I still don't get it. Is a higher percentage good or bad? Thanks

No, a higher percentage would not be bad, what makes you think that it does?

The bell curve is simply a normal distribution of all marks taken from the users who used UWorld. What's most important is the mean score... which I think is 48th percentile which means that the average is 48. So if you are scoring above the 48th percentile, depending on what percentile you are in, can mean that you are still within the average range or above-average.

But don't rely on these though. These are assessments but they do not guarantee anyone passing the NCLEX. Just focus on the question content and rationales! You got this, good luck.

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