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About Guest849204

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  1. Mother of 6 Lost Nursing License X 2 and Job

    I agree. I'm in ICU and have participated in and/or heard about many codes where the patient died, included cases suspicious enough to be investigated by the ME and no one has ever had their liscense taken away. The BON ss well as the justice system...
  2. Mother of 6 Lost Nursing License X 2 and Job

    I'm sorry you are in such a bad situation, stay strong! That said, something much more serious than a "complaint" must have been sent to the BON. Unless they had a HUGE lapse in judgement or you got hit with some random technicality, the BON would no...
  3. Tempted to Tell the Truth in Exit Interview

    If you will be asking her for a reference, don't say anthing bad about her! If I were you, I would praise her (without overdoing it/being obviopus) and then send her an anonymous letter or wait until you have secured a new job and tell her directly. ...
  4. Also, some advice to nurses looking for a job: If your main reason for switching jobs is salary, make sure you are taking into account living expenses. Even though your salary would be hire if you move to a particular city/state, you might be making ...
  5. It varies by location and even hospital to hospital (no one wants to work at a place known to be a bad place to work) but I do not believe there is a national nurse shortage at this time. That said, there are definitely "shortages" within most hospit...
  6. Was I wrong?

    Exactly. The patient was her responsibility and when you are responsible for a patient, you are required by ethics, the law, and hospital policy to treat them as best as you can and the fact that you are covering for someone doesn't change a thing.
  7. Was I wrong?

    You did nothing wrong. Regardless of whether or not you are covering part ofsomeone's shift, once you take report and the patient is handed off to you, you are supposed to provide whatever care you think is best (provided of course you are engaging i...
  8. What would my rank be?

    I. believe you could qualify to go to that officer training school thing and come out as an officer. I looking into this when I considered joining the military, I know there is some kind of program for people who have bachelor or higher degrees.
  9. Can you not be Type A and be a good nurse in L&D?

    You can work anywhere regardless of your personality. Certain personalities are more common on specific units, and maybe there are some pairing that work well, but you can work anywhere you want regardless of your personality.
  10. Relocating/Career Advice

    Honestly, I think moving is way to extreme of a reaction. I'm not judging you, I actually respect your commitment to something you believe in, but I think moving is too extreme. Have you considered the value of staying where you are and actively work...
  11. Immunization Compliance

    As long as you either get the flu shot or wear an appropriate mask all the time, its ok with me! I don't think its right for an organization to require everyone gets the shot (although I do think we all should get the shot), assuming my impression th...
  12. Negative drug screen and jobplace still wants me to meet with IPN

    @Randomnurse Your are always supposed to disclose medications you take before taking a drug screen, especially if its something they are testing for (like Xanax). That info remains HIPAA protected, but you need to bring the required proof of having a...
  13. Negative drug screen and jobplace still wants me to meet with IPN

    RELAX AND READ THIS! 1. They just need to document your side of the story since the incident probably triggered some policy. 2. Your boss said something about the Xanax and they need proof of a valid prescription. 3. You looked up your own medical re...
  14. Negative drug screen and jobplace still wants me to meet with IPN

    If she has a valid prescription she will most likely be able to continue to work. The only problem is you are supposed to bring proof when you are first hired.
  15. Negative drug screen and jobplace still wants me to meet with IPN

    Most hospitals (and I believe state boards as well) require you to disclose any medications you take that could be impairing, especially ones that show up on a drug screen (like xanax, weird it didnt come back positive) because they need to have proo...