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About Tony2001

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  1. In deep water...

    My advice would be to go to Anchorage Alaska, make some very serious money as a travel RN. The placements are short and you can go home and live off the funds you earned. The jobs can be 3 months. I wish you the best.
  2. Alaskan Winter Travelers Gig 6mo

    If anyone is planning to come to Anchorage Alaska there is a great place to rent. This couple has a fully furnished, six bedroom house that they rent only to traveling nurses. They pay the utilities and the location is perfect for working at Alaska...
  3. Alaskan Winter Travelers Gig 6mo

    Yes, there is money to be made in Anchorage Alaska. Alaska Regional Hospital or Providence Hospital are wonderful facilities. Give Nursing Recruitment in HR a call and ask what they offer. Some travelers are making 80 an hour. Summer is June July a...