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About judbelete

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  1. When should I apply for VisaScreen?

    Thnx :)
  2. When should I apply for VisaScreen?

    Yeah, perfectly right. With the logic of human mind, it is very clear that it is not possible for me to get a nursing job in the US in the near future. I will just do my best and let God do the rest. I believe that God can do the impossible if it is ...
  3. When should I apply for VisaScreen?

    I see.wow, seems like my chance of getting a work is very slim. My MSN training is in Nursing Education, more on being a Clinical Instructor. I need a Thai license to work in Thailand and I have to sit in their exam, in Thai language and Thai alphabe...
  4. When should I apply for VisaScreen?

    Thanks JustBeachyNurse. SO if I can find an employer who is willing to sponsor me, working visa is much faster as long as I am qualified. With regards to qualification, I have a very minimal work experience in the hospital and classroom setting (it's...
  5. When should I apply for VisaScreen?

    This is the one for greencard right? how about applying for a working visa only, h1B? This is faster than greencard, right? Thanks for the information.
  6. When should I apply for VisaScreen?

    Thanks Silverdragon102...my question is, how to get PD?
  7. When should I apply for VisaScreen?

    After all the processing for CES, BON MO and finally got the eligibility letter to test (ATT), I am finally going to take NCLEX-RN this coming July 5 in Kansas City, Missouri. Though I am not yet very sure if I am already ready to take, but by faith...
  8. NCLEX RN Questions

    I am taking my NCLEX RN exam in July and I am using Saunders 6th Ed right now. I came up with this question that is really confusing to me. I was trying to figure out why the answer they provided in the answer but it is a bit conflicting on what I kn...
  9. New grad BSN moving to Honolulu

    OK thank you willowita.
  10. New grad BSN moving to Honolulu

    Hello willowitta... You mentioned you are moving to HI in June...how is it so far? I am also planning to get my license there and so far, the posts I read are all on the negative side for non-locals.