

ICU (med/surgical/transplant/neuro/ent)

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About ThanksForAllTheFish!

ThanksForAllTheFish! specializes in ICU (med/surgical/transplant/neuro/ent).

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  1. Transplant nursing

    Guess what? I had my meeting with the dr and a few other staff members this am. Went well. Apparently they all had pretty good opinions of me coming in. The doctor said she was excited that I had applied. Ego boost, much? :) No pressure either h...
  2. Transplant nursing

    Thanks for the info. Finally have my meeting set up with the doc this week. After that meeting that day, the manager wants me to meet with one of the other coordinators (who was my preceptor as a new grad in the ICU. I just hope she remembers good...
  3. Transplant nursing

    From my understanding, I wouldn't be managing patients that are on the list, I would be in charge of the evaluation for transplant and placing on list. And of course, rotate on call for calling in patients, setting up transplant, and I think er ...
  4. Transplant nursing

    So I met with the program manager. I think I came off ok. I just suck at all those "how do you deal with conflicts with team members" and strengths and weakness questions. I always sound like an idiot and often just blank out.. :) the manger was ...
  5. Transplant nursing

    Sorry for the late reply.Yes, actually I just completed the initial hr phone interview today. He seemed pretty confident that the hiring manager would want to meet with me. If I do well with that, then it's meeting the docs (which many I already wo...
  6. Transplant nursing

    Thank you so much for the information! I went ahead and bit the bullet and applied for a pre transplant coordinator position that opened up at my hospital. Fingers crossed. :)
  7. Limited EHR program experience

    Belizish - nah, I'm not on the west coast, would be nice for vacation right about now though. :) I was merely a Go Live superuser. Not sure what made me "super". Of course I am still considered a go to person and try to be the person who contacts ...
  8. One more question and then I'll be quite. :)

    Thank you all for the information! I really wish an informatics opportunity would present itself; absolutely no guarantee that I would get it, but it would be nice. Right now I am really emotionally and mentally buried out with my hospital and beds...
  9. Transplant nursing

    . I have some questions! I am currently a second career nurse that has been working in the ICU for almost 4 years. My ICU has a varied patient population, but we do take care of kidney and liver transplant patients with the occasional panc (and of...
  10. One more question and then I'll be quite. :)

    So, I got the opportunity to spend a day following a few informatics nurses at my facility and pick their brains. Granted, one single day does not not tell me everything. And there would be much for me to learn upon entering this field. However, I...
  11. Limited EHR program experience

    Before I became a nurse I was a research assistant in an animal behavior lab. I used a variety of animal tracking/data collecting programs. I used excel 2000 ALOT, was quite the wiz with formatting and data entry.. Helped my boss with some PowerPoi...
  12. Limited EHR program experience

    Thanks for the info! :)
  13. Limited EHR program experience

    Sorry for the one paragraph. It keeps unformatting my paragraphs on the device I'm using.
  14. Limited EHR program experience

    Oh trust me, I have been lurking in this forum for sometime now :)My only experience is as an end user for our old program, Meditech (a pretty old version) and our new EHR, Allscripts' Eclipsys. I was a superuser when we went live with the first...
  15. Limited EHR program experience

    Hey everyone! I've looked in this forum for answers to this specific set of questions, but I didn't seem to find any. Forgive me if I'm repeating. I am an ICU nurse who was a superuser during my facilities recent implementation of part of a new EHR. ...