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About Bira_FutureNurse

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  1. SW Boces Entrance Exam

    I haven't received anything about orientation or about books, I'm still waiting to hear. I feel like they are going to do things last minute
  2. 2014 LPN students

    Which school are you going to
  3. Helene Fuld Info.

    Did you get any info on their new program?
  4. Helene Fuld Info.

    Thanks for the information. Did u continue on to a RN to BSN program and did the credits transfer from Helene Fuld. If so how many transferred and how long was/is the RN to BSN program since the transferred? :-)
  5. 2014 LPN students

    I always hear ppl say intense and I don't mean to ask a stupid question but what is intense? They give a lot of work? They work itself is hard? Like I just want to know
  6. LPN to RN schools

    Yes I have more if you don't mind and thank you for replying I really appreciate it all :-) Being that credits were transferred does that mean the time for the program is shorter? I never transferred credits before so I'm trying to have an understan...
  7. What reality show do you follow?

    Nurse Jackie, House, Keeping up with the kardashians lol (yup)
  8. Helene Fuld College of Nursing? LPN to RN

    Can you private message me the picks please I'll really appreciate it :-)
  9. LPN to RN schools

    Did u continue to a RN to BSN program and if so did they accept all credits?
  10. How much was your lpn program?

    What school is that, if you don't mind me asking?
  11. New York LPN students?

    Lol I understand
  12. New York LPN students?

    Wow you have a long journey ahead, I wish u good luck... What school(s) are u trying to go to after
  13. SW Boces Entrance Exam

    Just became a medical assistant this yr
  14. SW Boces Entrance Exam

    Do u have a medical background?
  15. New York LPN students?

    Congrats... Do u have to have your BSN degree before that?