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About nerrico89

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  1. Lawrence Memorial Regis College

    Hello, I had my interview yesterday and will find on Wednesday if I am accepted or not. Did you find out yet? Fingers crossed!
  2. Laboure college Fall 2014

    I am still waiting to hear back from another school, if I officially decide to go to Laboure I will also try to test out. Good luck!
  3. Laboure college Fall 2014

    Congratulations! Do you plan to retake your science courses or pay to test out of them since they do not transfer any science courses?
  4. Laboure college Fall 2014

    Good Luck! I didn't have to do the CPT test. I wonder if it is because I already have a bachelors degree in another field. I will have to look into that!
  5. Lawrence Memorial Regis College

    I applied in January for the evening/weekend program and I am still waiting to hear back. Hopefully I hear back soon! So far I got into Laboure and wait-listed for MCPHS.
  6. Laboure college Fall 2014

    I received my acceptance letter for Laboure Fall 2014. Anyone plan on attending in the Fall? I've heard negative things about the program.