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About meghanhead

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  1. Jeff State Fall 2014 Hopefuls

    Jess, what is this dosage calculations packet you mention? It this a night and weekend thing. I have a book of which I have completed chapter 3, but i'm not sure what you mean by a packet.
  2. Jeff State Fall 2014 Hopefuls

    Has anybody received the HESI code and tried to register on the Evolve website? I am having trouble.
  3. Jeff State Fall 2014 Hopefuls

    Last year most of the acceptance letters went out on the 20th. The year before they went out that same week, bit by bit. I looked up the threads for the past few years. I wouldn't expect anything until around the week of the 23rd.
  4. Jeff State Fall 2014 Hopefuls

    Be sure and attach a print out of your TEAS scores with your application when applying. I didn't at first and had to go back and submit the application a second time.
  5. Jeff State Fall 2014 Hopefuls

    futurenur14, I got an 84% on the TEAS. I didn't study much, but I did look over these questions: They were pretty spot on.
  6. Jeff State Fall 2014 Hopefuls

    They just posted the application for Fall 2014 here: Nursing Education | RN Application I just mailed mine in for the Shelby program! I'm so excited!