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  1. Indiana State University FNP spring 2017- anyone?6

    You do not have to go up there at all!!! It's a great program!! I only have 1 more semester to go!!!
  2. Indiana State University online FNP program

    no only for acceptance
  3. Indiana State University online FNP program

    Yes the program is 2.5 years. You get one semester off. The first four semesters all part time ranging from 5-6 credit hours. Then the last 3 are 8 8 and 9 credit hours. So that considered full time for graduate. What is EBP??? Out of state is no di...
  4. Indiana State University online FNP program

    I looked at the letter and it didn't state when you had to confirm. So I'm not sure about that. I think I sent an email the next week.
  5. Indiana State University online FNP program

    I just replied to a post read it!!! It's very informative!!! good luck!!!
  6. Indiana State University online FNP program

    I am currently in the program. I applied by the deadline Feb 1, 2014 and received an email of acceptance march 3, 2014. It will say who your advisor is, student ID, and your school email. Then you will receive an official letter in the mail. Once you...
  7. Indiana State University

    Did you accept the ISU?? Or are you waiting for other schools??
  8. Indiana State University

    So have you heard from anyone who was in the program?
  9. Indiana State University

    Lisalis yes i was accepted. Were you?
  10. Indiana State University

    Hello, can any of you give me feedback about ISU FNP program. I recently got accepted and wanted to talk to someone who recently went thru the program. Thanks!!
  11. Indiana State University

    Brenda I was just accepted to ISU. Can you give me insight or advice???
  12. Best online fnp programs

    Red2... Hello I recently just goat accepted into ISU program... Can you please give me some feedback or words of advice??? I have yet to meet someone who went thru the program... Thanks it would be really appreciated!!!:)
  13. Indiana State University online FNP program

    My email is [email protected] rosennache... Email me so we can talk..
  14. Indiana State University online FNP program

    I think we can...
  15. Indiana State University online FNP program

    I'm in Florida..