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  1. Waiting for My Final Grade

    I am SO glad to know I'm not the only one who does this!! LOL
  2. Are family members asking you for med advice?

    I'm only in my 2nd semester of NS, and I get all the questions as well....even from my own husband!! LOL They always start with, "Hey, Miss Nurse Woman...." or "You're the nurse, so...." Uh, not for another YEAR, thank you! Also...I've been a d...
  3. Which medical dictionary??

    I love my Stedman's!! It has been a huge help with studying. Whenever I couldn't quite grasp a concept or term in my powerpoint notes or textbooks, I'd look it up in there. It also has tons of photos.
  4. What specialties are you considering??

    Me too!!!
  5. What makes nursing school so difficult?

    LOL That is soooo freaking true!!
  6. Night Shifts best for Night Owls??

    Wow! This thread is so old now! LOL But, thanks so much for the good luck wishes and the encouragement!! When I started this thread, I was only doing my pre-req. courses. Now, I'm in Pharmacology and will be starting clinicals in May. I defini...
  7. What is a protocol drug order?

    I thank you all for your help! You guys are awesome!! I guess I shouldn't have asked for specific examples though, because you all gave me such detailed info. with some terms that I don't understand yet. (Pharm. is my first nursing class. I won't...
  8. What is a protocol drug order?

    That sorta helps, Frez, and I thank you. However, I'm still a little confused. Is a protocol order specific to each floor/unit? Is a standing order the same thing? I'm assuming a protocol order isn't necessarily one prescribed by the doctor? I'...
  9. What is a protocol drug order?

    (I posted this thread in the Nursing Student Assistance forum, but I'm not getting any replies, so I'm posting it here too.) Can someone please explain to me exactly what a protocol drug order is? Is a standing order the same thing? Also, would you m...
  10. Anatomy Class

    I LOVED A&P!! I was very nervous and worried about how I would react to seeing a cadaver in front of me, but once that moment happened, my mindset completely changed. I didn't feel nauseated or grossed out at all. It was like...WOW!!! THAT'S ...
  11. I Begin Classes on Monday!

    Whew! I'm glad I'm not alone! LOL I start on Saturday, 1/19. I've been feeling the same way. I wasn't expecting to start until the summer, but I got a call from the nursing program saying I could start a semester early. I've dreamt about this m...
  12. Class of 2010 (starting nursing school in Fall 2008)

    OF COURSE you can hang with us!! ALL nursing students rule, don't ya know! :w00t:
  13. Class of 2010 (starting nursing school in Fall 2008)

    Wow!! I can't believe I started this thread a year and a half ago already! Time sure does fly!! Since then, I survived the nursing assisting program (got an "A" and REALLY enjoyed clinicals more than I thought I would! Woot woot!!), got all my im...
  14. Class of 2010 (starting nursing school in Fall 2008)

    Hey Peachy and EthnicBeauty! Welcome to our little thread here! :welcome: Tell you a little about myself, huh? Well, I've been a dental hygienist for 13 yrs. and live in New Mexico. I'm married and have two boys, ages 8 and 11. Dental hygiene ...
  15. Class of 2010 (starting nursing school in Fall 2008)

    Yay!!! FINALLY! Someone who's starting nursing school at the same time as me! I feel like we already have a camaraderie, Amanda! LOL I will be starting Aug. 2008 at CNM (Central New Mexico Community College). I'm taking the nursing assistant cou...