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About GodMinistryNurse

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  1. Pros and cons of RN clinic nursing?

    Hi, I’ve worked in 2 speciality clinics. Promoted in one rather quickly. Pay attention to what’s being discussed or brought up even the demeanor of interviewers/staff/environment because things can be very different in the interview than the ...
  2. Employee health nurse

    Hi I have applied for FT RN employee health position within my hospital that I work at now on surgical services floor (or tho, neuro, gen surf). The position will go away for a couple of months now I'm seeing it again but I Never hear from anyone. I ...
  3. April 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    Not all angels have wings, some have stethoscopes 😇
  4. April 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    In Eddie Murphy voice: Its a full moon tonight, literally
  5. April 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    Nurse I think we have a situation.....
  6. April 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    Caring Nurse: Let me listen to you Patient: I said I'm leaving AMA one way or the other Caring Nurse: Guess he chose other 😂😂😂😂
  7. RN moving to Kentucky NEED HELP!!!!

  8. RN moving to Kentucky NEED HELP!!!!

  9. RN moving to Kentucky NEED HELP!!!!

    Thanks!! I'm no longer in ky haven't been for 1yr and few months but thanks for your info at that time
  10. RN moving to Kentucky NEED HELP!!!!

    Hi I'm no longer in ky and haven't been on the thread in a while sorry.
  11. RN moving to Kentucky NEED HELP!!!!

    Hi I am so sorry its been a while since I've been on the Thread hopefully its not too late and you'll see. I'm on a different location now however most VA's require for the nurse to have license for that state to practice in that state. You can alway...
  12. What types of questions will Nurse Beth NOT answer?

    I'm trying to find out how to ask a couple of questions. Can nurse beth see who writes the questions by private message or publicly? Thank you!
  13. Hi I'm coming with a question about the Ft Bragg/Fayetteville area moved here a year ago (I'm a military spouse). I've been here for a little over a year now. I've been a nurse for 2 years this year will be 3. I'm wanting to know how to get a nursin...
  14. 3 months in and feeling incompetent

    Same position it may be a phase though. I fell this is the best thing to do and learn as much as you can. I'm at a facility that I didn't receive proper orientation but everyday I'm trying to learn well every night. There is a post that gives great a...
  15. 50 Things New Nurses Need to Know about Orientation

    This article and the below comments are very helpful. I've been nursing for about 7 months but I haven't had time or proper orientation. So I'm trying to use the current facility and learn as much as I can although it's not a great place to learn hon...