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About Axgrinder

Axgrinder specializes in Adult MICU/SICU.

MICU/SICU; Cardiothoracic surgery

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  1. Axgrinder

    Pts who insult you?

    Sadly you can't chant your own rhyme in response to his juvenile antics - but doesn't mean you can't think one up and say it in your own head. Then smile (let him wonder about what that is about). Why hasn't he just had a chat with the doctor about ...
  2. Axgrinder

    Bed assignment

    I left working in a certain ICU 18 years ago for the same reason - an open bed does not always mean we have enough nurses to take that admit (sometimes with no warning at all). I usually got stuck being charge (with 2 of my own very sick patients) b...
  3. Under different circumstances this could have happened to any one of us. Not to say I wouldn't read a label or a box, but being stressed due to extreme pressure to hurry because tasks are piling up makes it more likely that mistakes will happen. In a...
  4. Axgrinder

    Was I wrong?

    No I don't think you were wrong. This wasn't an antibiotic or some other routine medication that must be given as ordered. It's not like you missed a scheduled routine med - a PRN med is just that, and from the scenario you described the patient had...
  5. Axgrinder

    Cared for MRSA patient without PPE

    That depends on what type of MRSA infection the patient had. Was it wound, respiratory, urine, or just a past positive carrier? When I was a brand new grad in 1994 we freaked out about every MRSA case that hit the unit. We all went down to employee h...
  6. Love your avatar pic! That seems to be 99.9% of the people I personally know.
  7. Axgrinder

    Med error...need to vent!/suppoet

    I routinely call in telephone order Rx's for the on call provider when they're too busy (and it's not a controlled substance) - on several occasions when calling in a Rx antibiotic eye gtt the pharmacist has stated that the eye gtt version of that pa...
  8. I would imagine that an offer of increased float pay would go a long way to make one happy to float.
  9. Axgrinder

    So I begin to write.....

    I have to wonder if we all have moments of thinking, "What have I gotten myself into? Can I do this?". Perhaps the question to consider is if we never did, would we be human? After all, we are only mortal - nurses, doctors, advanced practice, respira...
  10. Axgrinder

    Ask Dr. Fever

    Hey Dr. Fever - if two trains leave Chicago loaded with cargo, one headed for the West coast, and one for Canada ... what is the name of the engineer's?
  11. Axgrinder

    Conflict with friend/coworker

    In theory I totally agree, but real life situations (at least mine) tend to get messy with all kinds of complicated details and extenuating circumstances. I've made some mistakes - will I make them again? Sure, but hopefully not the same ones.
  12. Axgrinder

    Conflict with friend/coworker

    Yes ... still scraping the bottom of my shoes off.
  13. Axgrinder

    Conflict with friend/coworker

    An uneasy truce exists at the moment, with far less contact than previously. After a 2 week silence she has since been on her best behavior, but I remain wary. I don't think all the chips have finished falling yet.
  14. Axgrinder

    Did you contract anything from a patient?

    Dad's (and mom's) know best - but Mick Jagger said, "What a drag it is getting old".
  15. Axgrinder

    Should I just give up on this job?

    I don't want to falsely get your hopes up, but I have been surprised how long the wheels of motion take in matters of hiring. In terms of reasonable time frames, I have personally seen things take entirely too long - so long in fact that once or twi...