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  1. UAB AMNP Spring 2014

    - Clinicals...they are assigned randomly and everyone has in GENERAL the same types of experiences throughout the year, although they are as varied as the staff you work with. Everyone has a foundations clinical in the spring, an adult health and ps...
  2. UAB AMNP Spring 2014

    - Typical class schedule....I know that we all keep saying M-F 8-5 and that is so frustrating b/c I, just like you, wanted a REAL, ACTUAL schedule! So..although it will probably not be the same for you as it was for us, here is what ours was for the...
  3. UAB AMNP Spring 2014

    Top 5 tips.... 1. Buy a planner immediately! If you are not already someone who lives and dies by a daily planner, start practicing between now and January. You will need to become accustomed to having this on your person every minute, every day. ...
  4. UAB AMNP Spring 2014

    Hi guys, Congrats to each of you who have been accepted to Cohort 7! I am currently finishing my first year of Cohort 6...we have an FB page too, it will become your lifeline with the group. :) Let me know if you have any questions - I know this ti...