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About Chaswald

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  1. Your PROPOFOL stories wanted

    We use propofol quite a bit in the CVICU i work in. Though i have found that the off service intensivists tend to use midazolam/fentanyl combos more often. I have had that experience with extubating a morbidly obese patient from propofol. He was inc...
  2. Are swan-ganz (PAC) still around in your area?

    In our open heart patients we see them about 1/3rd of the time. The SICU in my hospital uses precep catheters quite a bit. It seems that most of the time with our open hearts we are just treating numbers with primacor when the patient is plenty stabl...
  3. Laptop / Tablet / COW for electronic flowsheet?

    We have a hard wired desktop per 2 patient rooms and we have quite a few of our computers on wheels. Enough of them that if almost all of our unit is 1 to 1 nursing care then we would only be short a couple of computers for each room. Most of the tim...
  4. Heart transplants and high risk cards, oh my

    Speaking about the chlorhexidine oral rinse. I work in a CTICU at a university hospital with a level 1 trauma center and we use chlorhexidine for anybody they plan on venting for longer than 24 hours really, and if there isnt an order we get one. Our...
  5. Career in the ICU

    I work in a CTICU and our cardiac and thoracic services have NP's and PA's on the unit. That is our main patient population. Off service patients, we are contacting the residents and attendings accordingly. They do hire a decent amount of mid-level p...
  6. New grad icu support

    I too am a new graduate and new CCU and cardiothoracic ICU nurse. I am just hitting the halfway mark of my orientation and i feel more stressed and overwhelmed than i ever did. I have had some crazy experiences as well. Just a couple weeks ago we too...
  7. Able to finish all tasks in ICU?

    I dont work in a trauma icu, however i work in a cardiac icu and i will tell you; keeping up with your documentation, i&o,vitals,assessments, labs, etc, is very important. There was a day where i had 2 seemingly walkie talkie patients who, within...
  8. New Grads in the ICU - Summer 2013

    I will be starting orientation at my new position in the Cardio-Pulmonary ICU at our local teaching hospital and level 1 trauma center starting tomorrow. I have been an LPN for about 5 years in long term care and sub acute rehab. I very recently got ...
  9. Has anyone taken the NCLEX on or around November 21st, 2013?

    I took the NCLEX-RN in new york on the 26th, PVT was a good pop up. Got the unofficial results on thanksgiving and my license popped up on the online website look up. Also got my "pass letter" in the mail yesterday.
  10. Took NCLEX today - shut off at 75 with GOOD POP UP!

    Yeah, I wouldn't say there is a correlation between the amount of SATA, at least too much of one. It seemed like mine was sort of random. In fact I felt like I got SATA questions after questions that I was very unsure about.
  11. 5th time nclex taker

    To the OP: It would appear to me that perhaps your English skills are a bit low if you are taking the NCLEX in the USA. A lot of answering the questions appropriately is understanding the words, terminology and what the root of the question is lookin...
  12. I know this is a bit late for the OP but... I have a hard time finding shoes. I am a 10.5 and EEE to EEEE shoe size. If you need/want a good supportive shoe, brooks addiction walkers are amazing shoes. They come in all white. They aren't the coolest ...
  13. Took NCLEX today - shut off at 75 with GOOD POP UP!

    Yeah, I took mine this morning as well and I was wondering if we would get our unofficial results even with the holiday this week. Here's hoping there isn't a hitch! *fingers crossed*
  14. Took NCLEX-RN Today

    Sorry to flood with my own posts here. But I also used the online resources for the Saunders Comprehensive Review and that was pretty nice. It had thousands of questions and they were tough questions, I felt. The only complaint I had about it was tha...
  15. Took NCLEX-RN Today

    I sure hope it is quick. I have a job lined up already and I want to start ASAP. :)