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About Blur2713

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  1. California licensure endorsement verification

    I had the same issue with this. I sent a money order so I had no way of knowing when they recieved it. It takes an act of God to get through to talk to a real person. Every time I would call I would get a different story. One lady told me I should ha...
  2. I literally have been putting off my FL license for a month after I received my finger print cards in the mail because it was so confusing. Just found this and completed everything in 2 hours. I'm in California now and found a fieldprint location and...
  3. I just left there! I worked in psych and loved it. They have low staff to patient ratios. In psych it was 1:3. From October- April they have snow... lots of snow. Thats why I left, I do not like cold weather or snow. Very nice hospital, one of the be...
  4. What car do you have?

    These are all great suggestions. I really wanted an Infiniti coupe but am looking around more before making a decision. I think the most important factors will be good gas mileage and space. A great, loud audio system is a must. Thanks for all that ...
  5. What car do you have?

    I'm going to be buying a used car in the next few months. I have a 2003 mustang that is terrible on gas with 147,000 miles on it. I'm scared it wont make it from Vermont to California. So my question is what would y'all recommend? I always seem to l...
  6. Tattoos and unique shoes?

    Thanks for all who responded. My tattoos have worked in my favor with the population I work with. I work in psych, with kids and adults. Many of the kids would open up to me because they said I looked less "motherly and someone who is relatable." I a...
  7. Tattoos and unique shoes?

    I also have several dansko shoes that are funky, such as the green python and a houndstooth print pair. A co-worker said they were not professional and I should have a solid black pair. I like my funky shoes and my pts do too!
  8. Tattoos and unique shoes?

    Times are changing, tattoos are all over the place. I have heard a lot of talk about them "not being professional." What exactly does a "professional nurse" look like anyway? What makes someone with a tattoo look not professional? What if a nurse has...
  9. What's considered "Job-Hopping" in nursing?

    I've been a nurse almost 6 years. I've had over 12 jobs, all in the same area. I'm a traveler now. My philosophy is if you are not happy or a better opportunity comes along...go for it. I have never been turned down a job that I really wanted due to ...
  10. question about "cutters"

    I have been a psych nurse for 5 years now. I also was a cutter in my younger years and my arm was covered in scars. I eventually got a sleeve (tattoo) because I got tired of looking at it. Personally, I feel my scars/tattoos add to my story. My patie...