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About reprimanded

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  1. I know better than to talk to anyone in a tone that is not professional at any of the facilities that I have been to. Why I didn't tell the student directly about the error was because previously I gave her "heads up" about something that she was not...
  2. Ready4nu, I was told that everything should be reported to the instructor (by the clinical director) and not to students. I wasn't the one that sent the student to the cart. The reason why the nurse came to the cart was because the student who made t...
  3. Yea that does sound unprofessional, I guess. I wasn't aware that using CAPS was unprofessional along with advising fellow students. Swearing..I guess a nurse we have to model after angels. Thanks again!
  4. I want to know what you found to be unprofessional about my FB post. Which part? All of it? Just posting about school related stuff is unprofessional? Using "ass"?
  5. This is taken from my FB: "Dear Fellow Nursing Students, Please, please know how insulin works!! Fellow students are there to help you and save your ass. If you don't want your ass saved, please make it clear! Officially sick of NURSING STUDENTS wh...
  6. I'm currently a nursing student and while at a clinical facility I noticed that another student failed to give insulin to a patient. So before the end of shift I went over the MAR to make sure that everyone had documented and to do a narcotic count b...