Twisted Nurse

Twisted Nurse

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  1. How Cardiac meds r/t BP and HR

    Hi all. I'm a new grad cardiac nurse studying about cardiac meds. I know with bblockers and Digoxin, we also need to look at the HR to see if it is safe to give the med. But what about other cardiac drugs, such as ACEs, ARBs, and Calcium channel bloc...
  2. To give or not give insulin

    That's the problem....there are no MD orders. That's why I'm getting conflicting statements from nurses.
  3. To give or not give insulin

    I have had several patients who are on Novolog sliding scale at the hospital. Sometimes they have to get certain procedures done like angiograms or stress test or colonoscopy that require them to be NPO overnight. When I check their blood surgars, so...
  4. Should pts w/ + sputum cultures be on droplet precautions?

    Not for MRSA...but for Gram positive bacteria. I just thought if they have positive sputum cultures...shouldn't they automatically be in droplet? Or only if they are actively coughing? Please help me understand...
  5. Clots related to fast afib

    HR in 160-200s? Sounds like he went into Atrial fib RVR. I agree with the cardiologist and the above poster. B/c he is fresh out of surgery, he shouldn't be on any anticoags d/t the high risk of bleeding. You have a right to worry, being in A. fib ...
  6. LTC to hospital.

    I believe you need to do research around your areas you want to potentially work at. There are hospitals that will accept nurses from LTC. But is the hospital you want to work at accepting nurses with only LTC experience? Talk to to the un...
  7. I have had several patients who have had positive sputum cultures. But other nurses and MDs say there is no need to put them in droplet precautions. Can someone clarify why? I'm stumped. Thanks
  8. Woe is me, if I didn't have allnurses!

    I started using this site post nursing school. I'm 6 months out of my preceptorship training from the New Grad Academy and there is so much to learn. I feel this site is really helping me fine tune what I'm learning. Everyone here is very supportive ...
  9. I think I'm deaf, hahaha, I couldn't really hear anything with the cheapy stethoscopes. I use the Littman Cardiology III series, and I love it! You can hear everything!!! It's expensive, but I got a really great price on it that I couldn't resist. I ...
  10. Peripheral pulses - I'm not entirely convinced they exist!

    Haha I used to have trouble locating lower extremity pulses as well. Thank goodness for Youtube! This short video helped me locate landmarks to make it easier. Start at 40sec mark. But if you are still in doubt or the pulses are weak to begin with, ...
  11. Flu Vaccine. Necessary or Harmful?

    I did my honors research on the efficacy of the flu vaccine among health care workers. Although recommended, less than half of HCWs get the vaccine. This is due to numerous misconceptions about the vaccine, lack of access and education about the flu ...
  12. PICC line blood draw

    Always go by your hospitals policy guidelines. There should be guidelines regarding blood draws from central lines. In my hospital, you: 1. Stop any infusion for 1-2 min 2. Flush 10cc saline 3. Remove 5cc for regular labs, 10cc for coags 4. Flush 10c...
  13. What exactly is anasarca?

    Is it really just generalized edema?
  14. NCLEX books to review with?

    I used the Kaplan NCLEX book and the Saunders NCLEX-RN. Personally, I liked the Kaplan b/c it had similar NCLEX style questions. This book familiarizes you with the strategic approach in answering the best answer available. The Saunders I used merel...
  15. New Grad RN Angst

    Great article! Many new grads like myself can absolutely relate to what you have to say. I'm going on 4 months on my own without my preceptor. I can absolutely relate with the lack of confidence, the constant self doubt and worry, the overwhelming st...