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About klovesedamame

BScN Class of 2019

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  1. Hi all - for the past several months (5-6 months) I've been seriously considering if this is the right path for me. I'm a second year nursing student, and have really struggled this past year. It isn't the workload or the material that I am strugglin...
  2. How do I get in to the BSN program...

    I'm in a BScN program right now and the lowest average I've heard to be accepted this year (for my program) was an 89%
  3. Pre-Health or RPN to BScN Degree?

    Oh wow, I didn't realize my information was wrong. Do you know if it has changed over time? I only shared what I knew because I had talked to my friend years ago about what route was best for me and she said that it was definitely a good route to go ...
  4. Pre-Health or RPN to BScN Degree?

    I was in the exact same position as you in 2011. I didn't have the grades to get into a BScN program and wasn't sure of what route to take. I still did not have the prereqs for RPN or even pre-health at some schools, so I ended up taking two and a ha...
  5. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    @amnosni There isn't a huge difference between the programs (so I've been told). In fact, content wise, they are the exact same thing. The purpose for doing it at two different sites, is so that they can accept more students. The only difference I wa...
  6. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    Just got accepted to both the 4 year at Western & the Collab. I am accepting the collab as soon as it appears on OUAC!
  7. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    What is a Mature Student letter of intent (sorry for all the questions in your thread haha!) If you want to know anything about the Fanshawe Campus, I can answer most of your questions. :) I have seen the nursing labs many times (I think I even have...

    January is less competetive they usually say. I had low HS grades (and a low university gpa [didnt finish my program]) and was rejected from RPN twice. I eventually decided to pursue my RN by doing prehealth at Fanshawe. I applied to an RPN program a...
  9. Western vs Western-Fanshawe BScN programs

    Congrats on getting into both programs. Do you mind me asking if you are still in high school (or a prehealth program?). When did you get in? I did PHS at Fanshawe and so I do know a bit about the collab program, only because I was able to attend the...
  10. Any benefits to a pre-health program to get into BscN?

    I did pre health at Fanshawe and finished with excellent grades. Waiting to see if they were excellent enough for Western.
  11. Practical nursing help

    Most RPN programs only require you to have Grade 11 Math, Chem and Bio, so if you have those you wouldn't need to go back to high school to get them. I do believe the grade 11's need to be at a U/C level, but I could be mistaken - and that may vary f...
  12. Feeling defeated...already

    Haha! You guys got crammed with soooo many people in your program. When we ran the open house in November this year, P**** was telling people that they usually accept like 375-400 kids, and this year it was closer to 500! And with so many people they...
  13. Feeling defeated...already

    @Missmissa Did you start pre-health in September 2014 or January 2014 at Fanshawe I just finished up pre-health at Fanshawe in December, because I was a January start (2014). I actually loved the program a lot, but do agree with a lot of what you hav...
  14. Can I get into a RPN program with a low 80 average?

    I thought pre-health was a waste of money too, until I got into the program and really realized that it wasn't. Fanshawe is really well known for their pre-health program, and I do believe we are considered the "best" in Ontario as many other college...
  15. Can I get into a RPN program with a low 80 average?

    Why don't you throw in a pre-health or two with your application as a backup? That's what I did, and I ended up going into pre-health at Fanshawe so that I could get my BScN at Western. That way if you don't get accepted into RPN you have a backup, b...