

Neuro, Telemetry

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About mrsboots87

mrsboots87 has 9 years experience and specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

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  1. I was slapped by a patient

    I’m glad you reported this. The police can subpoena his information. The hospital can give his name and address when this happens s if you wish to file charges. While your biggest issue is that he was a man harming you as a women, there is an even b...
  2. 12 patients for a new grad to much?

    I think people here are forgetting what a SNF is. These are very low acuity patients. The busiest and hardest part of the day is the med passes since the patients usually have quite a few. Most of the dressing changes are basic dressings that take 10...
  3. 12 patients for a new grad to much?

    You’re in a SNF. This is actually a very light load for a SNF and you are lucky. For you to have less patients means some other nurse has to take some of your work and add it to theirs. New grad or otherwise, the facility will not be able to change t...
  4. Case Study: HIPAA violation or not?

    Picture taking of anything in a patient care area (patient or otherwise) was expressly forbidden when I was in nursing school. Would have been terminated from the program for it. Taking pictures of a patient for documentation requires a signed consen...
  5. Medication error

    Cardene is very vasoactive and requires very close monitoring and very frequent vitals checks. But this is a multi person error and not just you. The physician should be transcribing their own orders as this is a prime example of what can happen when...
  6. Does your Pyxis not warn you if an incorrect waste? Ours does, but it's the newer model and I don't remember if our old one did or not. When we type in the east amount, if it doesn't match the expected waste amount, a warning pops up and gives you a ...
  7. How many phone calls do you get as a bedside nurse?

    I need the therapy calls. What if I have something I need to do with the patient and walk in to find therapy with them? What if there is a reason therapy shouldn't see the patient right now? I personally take these same calls from the various servic...
  8. documenting a chart check?

    I work at both a hospital with an EMR and another one that is still paper. The paper hospital def needs a chart check. Any orders you follow are on you. If someone didn't transcribe the order correctly, you just made a med error or lab error or misse...
  9. Nursing compact licensure

    This isn't fully correct. The WI license doesn't go inactive. The OP would just have both a WI and GA license. But only the GA license would be a compact license. The WI license would end up being a 1 state only license until it expires.
  10. 2 full-time jobs?

    You could come to Arizona and even the out of state cost for a community college nursing program is like $20K v $10k. Your rationale for continuing to dig yourself into financial ruin for the rest of your life is ridiculous. If you're already paying ...
  11. 2 full-time jobs?

    It most definitely would NOT cost you more money to go to a community college and eat the time you spent at another costly school. Majority of community colleges could get you a degree for under $10K from start to finish. Very few will be more then t...
  12. Did I cause this rapid response?

    I'm more concerned about the respiratory status change not being reported. You should have verified the food was eaten, but honestly, stressed and sick diabetics typically run high sugars whether they have eaten or not. When realizing he didn't eat a...
  13. Inclement weather conditions...mandatory to work?

    Also consider, the nurses who decide not to show up may prevent another nurse from being able to leave ahead of the storm and protect their own families. They then have to rely on and hope that their friends and family have gotten their children and ...
  14. Inclement weather conditions...mandatory to work?

    While the employer should be held accountable for a plan to keep their employees fed and clean and rested during a storm they are required to work through, it is on the employee to ensure that they plan ahead for child care and travel to work before ...
  15. Infusion a pickle...

    Also, depending on what the Vanco and zosyn are diluted in (NSor D5) they can be compatible. You may have been able to run them together if you had a strong IV. Next time check your comparability source.