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About gomezja

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  1. Questions questions and more questions

    Thank you KelRN215....keeping my fingers crossed! Have a good one..
  2. Questions questions and more questions

    Oh good, I actually started applying to several residencies last month and other non-residencies a couple weeks ago. August is such an awkward graduation date. If you do not mind me asking, how long did it take before you found your job? Did you app...
  3. Colorado bound!! I am actually from Colorado but just finished nursing school in New Mexico. I graduated in August and just sent in all my paperwork to the board of nursing in CO and signed up with Pearson Vue, my question is this, should I wait to s...
  4. Need advice for getting a job

    Questions, questions and more questions...... Colorado bound!! I am actually from Colorado but just finished nursing school in New Mexico. I graduated in August and just sent in all my paperwork to the board of nursing in CO and signed up with Pearso...