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  1. Montefiore- Interview Process

    I don't have any ER background but I love fast-faced environment and children.
  2. Montefiore- Interview Process

    I got an email from Monte's NM last week. I replied by saying at NM's earliest convenience. I haven't heard from her since. Should I send follow-up email? Is this normal? I am a new grad......they wanted to interview me for ER position....
  3. Filipino nurses emigrating to US

    I was just browsing and found this post - very interesting. I am a foreign graduate from the Philippines. At 21, I am already a nurse in my country, at 22 a nurse in the state of New York. To enlighten you fellow nurses: Nursing in th...
  4. New nurse - Please read.

    I've been staying positive as well! Tho there are down, sad and depressed times but we can't od much about it than to stay more positive with hopes high! I know it's going to be paid off soon! I think I've sent out hundreds of resumes to hospitals, n...
  5. New nurse - Please read.

    Hi everyone! How's everything? I wonder what you've been up to since getting that hard-to-get-license as an RN. I am a foreign graduate who graduated last 2010 with a BSN. I just got my license last September 2013 - so I basically call myself a newly...
  6. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Nope I was not accepted. Sad but if it's not then it's not.
  7. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Did you apply to the program as well? Li_RN? Congrats and Goodluck!!!
  8. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Sounds like we were contacted by out top 3 choices. I wonder how is it going right now. Did anybody from Lehman College / Greater New York Health contact you guys yet?
  9. RN Transition to Practice Program

    How did it go? I felt the same way when I left Bellevue Hospital for my interview. That's why I am feeling so anxious about it but atleast you did it. Now it's the waiting game. Praying for positive outcome and Good luck to us!!!
  10. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Yeah but I think 1 participant each hospital. And I believe each hospital is allocating more than 1 participanf. yeah! Good luck to us and I am praying for positive outcome!!
  11. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Bellevue was my 3rd pick but still on my radar. I guess what they're doing now is having phone interview since they don't have enough time for in-person. Only a week left and the waitinb game is horrible. I kept on checking my inbox like crazy as wel...
  12. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Same here deluxeRN. My interview was on April 29. What time did you go? Did you check their website - lehman college? I think the orientation is moved.
  13. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Sounds good!! nope - only Bellevue. I wonder how many out there are being considered.
  14. RN Transition to Practice Program

    Oh nice!! But you just had phone interview wit Beth Israel for TTP program? That sounds awesome!!
  15. RN Transition to Practice Program

    That sounds good! Which hospital is this? I am happy for you!