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About Deniseemariee

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  1. USF applicants 2013

    Thank you!!!!
  2. USF applicants 2013

    WAHHH I'm excited!!! We did it!!! :DD and what's the facebook group?! If anything you guys can add me on facebook: Denisee Mariee
  3. USF applicants 2013

    I was accepted!!!!
  4. USF applicants 2013

    Exactly the same!
  5. USF applicants 2013

    Agh me too!!! It sucks how they can't even tell us the length or what position we even are on the list. In your alternate email, what did it say the reason you were an alternate?
  6. USF applicants 2013

    mhm I went to USF's general orientation in Feb. And yes girl literally what I find myself doing 24 hrs a day lol. Because I'm currently in UCF and I didn't apply for their program because of my TEAS score so im currently studying for it to see if I d...
  7. USF applicants 2013

    hey!!! im in the same exact situation as you!!! I also live in Orlando!! I was placed as an alternate!!!