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About meljonumd

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    Unfortunately this is probably what you'll have to do unless you can personally speak to someone in charge and plead your case. I've had 4 PPDs this year AND a Quanterferon Gold test (a highly accurate blood test for TB) and I *STILL* had to get anot...
  2. Starting accelerated bachelor program

    hi Congrats on taking the leap! I don't have all the answers. I would strongly suggest talking with a financial aid person at a school that you are/will be applying to for your ultimate degree program. Since you do already have what I'm guessing are ...
  3. Choosing which hospital for clinicals?

    A simple answer as to why teaching hospitals/medical centers are preferred: They tend to be more progressive, be the leaders in program development, seek and receive state and national certifications (such as Joint Commission -Stroke Certification),...
  4. Hospice care question

    I'm currently volunteering in an in-patient hospice, and I do patient care there. I would suggest including family teaching on basic personal care and body mechanics? Families are now faced with caring for a person who is bed bound or needs a lot of ...
  5. Moving to Pittsburgh area this summer, any advice please

    The HR process at UPMC is looooooong, and for nurses it is intensely competitive. For example, I recently started a casual position there, and it took 3 months for HR to even INITIATE contact, and I didn't even start work for another month. For nurs...
  6. Waiting to Transfer Position

    You mentioned you are union; have you spoken with your union rep? Depending on things, you might have cause for a grievance. Alternatively, since your manager has not addressed this issue appropriately, this needs to be worked up the chain to maybe ...
  7. Unless you are planning on working a significant amount, meaning making a significant contribution to your resume, then I don't think it would be appropriate. A new grad BSN is still a new grad BSN, no matter what experience or prior degrees you brin...
  8. How to get over hospital fears

    I find there is something different between doing a procedure on someone Else and having a procedure done on Me. Something having to do with my clinical side taking over, but when I am doing a procedure on a patient, such as wound care or working wit...
  9. Edinboro Innovative Fall 2014

    Well, the one thing I can say, Lb1009, is that I'm confident that rents are a LOT lower in this area than on Long Island! I just rented a cottage for $300/month. If you want a studio to 1bedroom, prices range $300-$600/month. If you can find someone ...
  10. Jumping Ship

    Everyone has their own path. I hope your journey is enlightening (and doesn't make you want to jump in front of a bus! lol).
  11. If you have that kind of inner desire, that's a great start. Now you have to mix that with reality. I bit the bullet and moved in with my western PA...and moved myself and my 3yo son from Baltimore to do it. AND THEN I still have to dri...
  12. I agree. I would add that when you arrive in a new place, try and find things that are the *same as the last unit you were on. Remember, it is the same hospital, so at least some procedure should be similar. (although, after having worked in hospital...
  13. Edinboro Innovative Fall 2014

    hi Rmerid and congrats! Looking forward to meeting you too. Where are you coming from? Here's my FB page: I am familiar with the area, so if you have questions, ask away.
  14. LPN @ PTI pittsburgh

    I'm happy for both of you for starting your nursing careers. I would encourage you both to read up on the information posted on this site about Nationally accredited vs Regionally accredited schools. Essentially the credits between PTI and ANY colleg...
  15. HELP!!!!

    Take a deep breath! If you have made the commitment to start, that's half the battle. First of all, you need to do a self-assessment. How are your study and time management skills? 3 classes to some might be nothing, and might be a lot to handle for...