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About Frustrated98

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  1. Charity SON Spring 2014

    I have also disabled my facebook and would be interested in the app too. The vaccine information is confusing! In one letter we received it says we should start on the Hep vaccine as soon as we can because it is a series? I don't want to lose my spot...
  2. Charity SON Spring 2014

    I just got my letter too! I also live on the northshore. I would be interested in carpooling and study groups too! Congrats everyone! I hope everyone on here got in!
  3. Charity SON Spring 2014

    Hi! I too am nervous about fitting everything in with school. I was wanting to ask what the hours for lecture and clinicals are? Thanks!
  4. Submitted Charity LPN app, now what?

    I was told they would call or send letters. I wanted to ask if you are referring to your Delgado email? I am bummed because I have not received any emails.