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About SamNurse80

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  1. How many Pt do you take care of?

    Indiana ICU 1-2 pts/nurse. Usually one tech for 30 patients.
  2. Anyone have a huge student loan bill?

    If you are concerned about the amount of loans you have and if you are not scared to move on your own or maybe you have a friend that is willing to move with you, there are a lot of nursing jobs on Indian reservations around the country. Since this ...
  3. Anyone in the IUPUI or USI RN to BSN programs???

    I went to IUPUI. They are like many other colleges, I'm sure. Somewhat unorganized. They are supposed to be one of the biggest classes of nurses, but bigger is not always better. They are okay, but I would probably choose somewhere else if I had ...
  4. how much Indiana nurses make

    At Methodist in downtown Indianapolis, I started at 19.75/hr. More for evenings, nights and weekends.
  5. Relocating to Indianapolis area

    I know that Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis is about to change their criteria to get into the program. More interviews and possibly past healthcare experience might be added to the criteria to get in.
  6. Indianapolis hospitals that pay for grad school?

    I know that clarian has a good tuition reimbursement program
  7. Indianapolis RN employment picture?

    I can't tell you a lot about the employment picture. There are a lot of openings in a lot of areas. We have 3 brand new heart hospitals and hospitals are expanding everywhere. I live in Hamilton county and could tell you a little about an area if ...
  8. I work in an ICU. We don't do it for radical neck surgeries either.