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About NurseyK

Medical Student (D.O. 2005)

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  1. ER Doctors that are hard to work with!

    We have one of these nut-jobs with us too. She believes that SHE is "in charge" (and, yes, to a certain extent she is) - but *not* of Nursing and Nursing Issues. She generally steps all over my (Charge Nurse) toes -- to the point when one day I act...
  2. Natalie - I was only specifically responding to JT about working 20 hrs. Get off my back. All - Maybe I'm not making myself clear...our hospital is union. We HAVE to work 20 hrs if we are mandated. Refusal = termination. We are not "volunteering"...
  3. Contrary to your belief, there is no "wasted effort" when it comes to fighting for restricted nursing hours. You and I will have to agree to disagree on this issue. (I'm leaving nursing, technically, one could argue, 'then why do I care anyway?') MY ...
  4. JT - The bill I speak of is A2025/S1318...the precise bills of which you speak of that NYSNA does NOT support. This Bill actually began to put in words and motion SOMETHING that addressed nursing hours here in NY. NYSNA has not gotten on board with ...
  5. I guess I must be reading your posts incorrectly? are you for or against mandatory OT? (key word here folks: MANDATORY) I have personally spearheaded a campaign here in NY re: Nursing OT. A pending bill passed the House and is now under review in...
  6. Patient flow in the ER

    In our ER, the MEDICAL Director keeps getting a wild hair up his..ahem...and demands that all patients be "brought straight back to a bed", "no lines no waiting", "we don't want those pt complaints now." OK great...I'll pack the beds in with crap th...

    What kind of pabulum-puking managerial bullsh#t is this? Document...yeah, right. Ya know what? The first poster is right; nursing is WRONG no matter what. I have spent time responding intelligently to absurd on pt complaints. The vast majority ...
  8. New grad to MD office??

    Your very welcome. I'm not sure about where you live, but here (in Upstate New York) our Classified Ads are FILLED TO THE BRIM with openings for office nurses and office "techs". I would start there - calling, visiting, writing them. As far as gett...
  9. New grad to MD office??

    Your very welcome. I'm not sure about where you live, but here (in Upstate New York) our Classified Ads are FILLED TO THE BRIM with openings for office nurses and office "techs". I would start there - calling, visiting, writing them. As far as gett...
  10. New grad to MD office??

    You do not specify if you are an RN or LPN graduate, but I'll go on with my little "story" for ya Nursing school was a post-bacc career change for me. I went thru LPN school first and, towards the end of LPN school, was initially hired at a busy,...
  11. New grad to MD office??

    You do not specify if you are an RN or LPN graduate, but I'll go on with my little "story" for ya Nursing school was a post-bacc career change for me. I went thru LPN school first and, towards the end of LPN school, was initially hired at a busy,...
  12. PALS

    I like myself
  13. What shift do you work? Why?

    Work 7p-7a shift in ER...wouldn't trade it for the world! All the interesting little critters come out from under their rocks when the sun goes down....hahahahha
  14. What am I doing? Am I insane?

    Ok, comes my $0.02 worth, take it or leave it..... I believe SubQ has stated what not a small number of us have been experiencing of late especially, and increasingly, with the event of the nursing shortage, money issues, etc. I don't bel...
  15. how do the docs feel?

    TRN - Welp, I'm one of those nurses jumping ship. I've been accepted to a handfull of DO (DO -osteopathic vs. MD - allopathic) medical schools (my choice) first try and will be a MS-1 this Fall. Do I believe the grass will be greener? Heck no. I b...