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About sdl11b

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  1. fundamentals: should I drop?

    You know yourself better than anyone. I think you have to weigh all your opitions, and figure out if theres any possible way you can still pass. You may need to get a tutor or ask some of the other students that are passing what they are doing. I'm n...
  2. Interview tomorrow but just got an email. . .

    Show up eager, early, and dressed to impressed. Good Luck
  3. You continue to become the best RN that you can be. The people who only skim by, it will show in due time!
  4. I'm done!

  5. Talk down to no one...please!

    I agree! I don't think you will ever get rid of the people with the egoes. I guess that is just the way some people are!
  6. CNA's eating their young too!

    Im praying for you! Hopefully your Co-Workers will have a change of heart!
  7. I love this! Great tips!:)
  8. job offer--can I ask this?

    I have done this before. You will either get a yes or no!
  9. Best note taking (typing) apps for ipad

    I love Evernote!
  10. 5th time repeater and I'm FINALLY an official RN!!!

    AWWW.... This is a wonderful story! Congrats!
  11. Took NCLEX YEsterday

    Congrats! Job well done!
  12. Pearson Vue trick 2014 -still works!

    Congrats! I can't wait until i'm in your position!
  13. Completed my 1st week of school

    Good advice@Hadassah
  14. Ebooks for textbooks?

    I think if you are an electronics type of person, you may like ebooks. Me personally, I can't stand them. I rather have a hard copy.
  15. Which stethoscope do you like?

    I think im going to end up buying a Littmann Classic II SE. It seems that everyone seems to love it!