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  1. Advice on Midwife Journey

    thanks everyone for the links and advice. ftr_bb_catchr, last night when i was going to sleep i had second thoughts about being a midwife because of all the college. i can do it, i'm sure, but i didn't want to wait until i'm 28-29 to have a family. i...
  2. Advice on Midwife Journey

    Thanks, ftr_bb_catchr. A few days ago I had no idea what I wanted to do... all I knew was that I wanted to be involved with pregnancy. I talked to my parents and they had some suggestions and shared some of their knowledge with me and I did a little ...
  3. Advice on Midwife Journey

    Hi! I am 15 and I will be going into high school this year. I want to be a midwife in Texas and I'm not sure what I need to do to reach my goal. I am home-schooled so I think it will be a more difficult journey. I believe there are advanced Science...