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About nununewman

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  1. Gateway Com. College AZ accelerated, starting Aug, anyone?

    Accelerated RN program
  2. Working anyone?

    I have been working nights for a year now as a CNA. I have found that the most important things that have helped me be 100% during my shifts are eating properly and excercise! Proper nutrition is SO important!
  3. "Note to New Students" Nursing School is not all bad!!!

    This post has been a nice reminder!! I have been on a waitlist for 2 years for a nursing program and finally get to start in Aug. A friend of mine is actually graduating in May, and her stories has had me very discouraged! I plan to continue my work...
  4. Gateway Com. College AZ accelerated, starting Aug, anyone?

    I have not heard anything about the packet coming but will post when I get it! Has anyone done the background check yet? Or know how long it usually takes?
  5. Gateway Com. College AZ accelerated, starting Aug, anyone?

    I also am starting at Gateway in the fall in the accelerated program. I know some friends have told me that other schools/teachers have issues with ipads or laptops during class, but if this is not the case at gateway I am definately going to be gett...