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About Dusty333

Dusty333 has 15 years experience.

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  1. Does anyone work for PHP or Trinity Healthcare?

    NCtravelJen. I can't figure out how to inbox you? Can you message me first? Questions about Trinty, thanks!
  2. ST. Thomas USVI Travel????

    NED, Oh my WORD!! Thank you so much for taking the time to so graciously answer each and every question!!! I do have AT&T, I guess I figured that since my sons phone worked in Puerto Rico it would work there as well! Thanks for thinking of tha...
  3. ST. Thomas USVI Travel????

    Hi there folks! Haven't travelled in 10 years. Landed at home, got married and had some babies! Getting ready to hit the road once again, or rather the air! Have some questions as things may have changed in the decade that I've been away. A.) Can...