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About oceanblue52

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  1. Efficient clinic and job satisfaction. Help please!

    Wow, this seems a little crazy. I work in outpatient Psych so our duties are a bit different (e.g. we just do injections, not anything crazy like post-op or sedation). Will say that we have about 8 docs (some part-time), and we have many of the same ...
  2. Greetings, Outpatient Psych RN here. Had an adverse incident recently where we were giving a client an injection and said client grabbed scissors off the desk and injured himself. 911 was called and client was stabilized. Our outpatient facility is n...
  3. what is it like to be a psych nurse ?

    Very good summation. Would like to add my own anecdote with strip searching a patient, came in looking pretty put together. A colleague of mine had her remove her underwear and hundreds (literally) of pills came tumbling out, mostly benzos. She was a...
  4. Part time Mental Health NP Program while working full time

    RN here that works in outpatient community health, and am interested in becoming an NP. Your statement about trying to cure psychosocial issues via medication is close to heart. Very difficult and takes a lot of skill for a provider to separate the i...
  5. Mental health.....telehealth.....

    Right? Sounds like my dream job.
  6. New Grad Struggles Want Psych Nursing

    If you are trying to transfer within your hospital, you will likely need 6 months experience before they approve a transfer. A word of warning, it can sometimes be difficult to transition back into acute care after working in Psych; managers tend to ...
  7. Psych Research Question

    Former (non-nursing/medical) researcher here. Consult with the person heading the study, or another supervisor. They should be able to counsel you on the most appropriate action. Like working in a hospital/clinic, you are correct that it is inappropr...
  8. Any information on UC Denver NP program for fall 2018

    How had the application process been for PMHNP? Thinking about applying in the Fall...
  9. At what point can I no longer work as an ED tech?

    Perhaps this varies state to state. But I don't understand what a physical license is, and why you would need that to practice nursing. Once you have a number shouldn't you be good to practice? That is all that should be needed to verify that you are...
  10. Want to try another nurse specialty

    Can you stick it out another 6 months? A solid 2 years in critical care with Charge RN responsibilities should give you a good foundation on which to market yourself. Are there things you enjoy about your job? What attracts you to Public Health? Ever...
  11. Life after nurse residency

    Hard to say what specialty would be a good fit for you...I would recommend going on a comprehensive job search engine such as indeed and then search for various specialties you are interested in. This will give you an idea as to the market and qualif...
  12. I worked as a Tech in a Psych hospital for a few years and had to make a similar decision. Pharmacology has always fascinated me so that was one reason. Counseling as a field is also quite saturated (way worse than nursing) and the pay almost never c...
  13. Mandatory Vaccine Waiver in Nursing School/Clinicals

    It is very difficult, if not impossible to get vaccines waived. Typically it is not the school but the clinical sites that have these requirements. From their perspective, it's puts their patients at risk and sets them up for increased liability. So ...
  14. Vulnerable populations paper?!?

    Probably want to pick a more specific population, but rural populations is a very broad, interesting topic. Vulnerability stands to get worse as more hospitals are forced to close from funding issues. If you are on social media, follow some community...
  15. What do you like most about your specialty?

    Work in outpatient Psych, best part is watching clients get stable after trying and failing a bunch of med combos.