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  1. NCLEX in 2 days

    Use the examcram sheet. You can google it. It has study tips, lab values and important info for the exam. Good luck!!?,
  2. Help with nclex review

    I used examcram (both review book and practice questions), Kaplan q trainers, nclex 3500 and an app for my iphone called nclex RN qbank. I feel that the examcram is a good basic review and doing tons of questions is the bet bet. I just passed at 75...
  3. Rescheduled for 3/23

    Examcram has sheet. Look over it tonight and before the test. Good luck!!!
  4. I passed my NCLEX-RN. I'm still in shock!

  5. Kaplan Q trainer 7

    Can you take the next few days off to focus on the nclex? I forgot to mention that I took a week off of work to focus only on nclex. Good luck!
  6. Kaplan Q trainer 7

    My scores were between 73 and 62. I received 62 on trainer 6. I passed a few weeks ago at 75 questions. I too felt like I should postpone, but I went for it and I'm glad I did. 54% is on the lower side, but the nclex will be getting more difficult...
  7. saunders review book questions????

    You have gret scores! Saunders is considered easier than nclex. You should search online for the Kaplan q trainers and take them. Numbers 6&7 are closest to the nclex. Good luck!
  8. Which Kaplan Q-Trainers are essential?

    Why not do half of 6 today and then take the rear of the day off. Make sure to review test taking techniques so you have a way to answer questions if you have no idea. The techniques I used were umbrella answers, never select absolutes (always, nev...
  9. nclex a week away

    My exam was scheduled for march 5th and I sought advise from the wonderful associates on this site on whether or not I should postpone it. I felt underprepared and I got to a point of feeling like I knew nothing. My scores on the q trainers were ri...
  10. 7 MORE DAYS

    You sure seem prepared. I feel that the q trainers are close to the nclex. I made sure that I had all lab values, pt, inr and such memorized. Didn't need any of it, lol. As far as EKG I had one and it was easy. I recommend examcram review for car...
  11. I got the good pop up

    Congrats!!! Go team March!
  12. Which Kaplan Q-Trainers are essential?

    Your scored are close to mine and I passed a few weeks ago. I would do 6 & 7 and read the rationales.
  13. ECG's will be the death of me

    Do you have exam cram? I used it to review and found it was helpful.
  14. another nclex question

    Remember ABCD airway, breathing, circulatory and defects a. shows a defect in blood glucose, but also shows signs of improvement b. shows a circulatory complication of birth, possible hemorrhage. I would pick b due to the fact that its circulatory an...
  15. SATA

    Very good!