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About jrsquire1

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  1. ICU to OR

    I very recently went from the ICU bedside to the OR. Love it so far. My position is fairly unique however as I have a background in CTICU and now work exclusively for a pediatric CT service in the OR along with their bedside procedures (PDA clips, EC...
  2. MDA/CRNA infighting

    I've been throwing the idea around for a little while now of possibly pursuing anesthesia as a CRNA. I think my biggest fear is working in a hostile environment where nursing and medical practices do not get along. I understand this changes from plac...
  3. I was curious what people's individual experiences were with their union/the union at a hospital and the union's ability to truly improve the work place. If you wouldn't mind listing the union name in your post and how it either helped, was negligibl...
  4. Question: AMBU vs. Ventilator

    Never fast and hard, it really gives us quicker control of PEEP adjustment and ability to recruit the lung (by hyperventilating with a larger Vt or slightly faster rate depending on the situation). Yes hyperventilating can cause issues but leaving so...
  5. Question: AMBU vs. Ventilator

    We tend to do this when a patient has an acute desaturation on the vent in order to both feel and hyperventilate forgoing any other obvious signs of why they may be desaturating. Most recently I had a patient plug their airway (unbeknownst to us) and...
  6. Staffing of ECMO patients

    I'm curious what your unit's staffing policy regarding patients on ECMO is; do you automatically single or staff it in a 1 (nurse):2 (patients) assignment based on acuity?
  7. I am curious if anyone has experience in this area of healthcare as a nurse. I've been looking into getting a masters degree at some point and stumbled upon this concentration. While it is not a masters in nursing (those are few and far between with ...
  8. Liberty University--Adv.patho & pharm. How do-able?

    Yeah we all know how imperative it is to know the geological and evolutionary timeline when it comes to modern pathology, physiology, and pharm... Anyways, facts being what they are, Liberty is a regionally accredited university with some accolades f...
  9. Getting Away From the Bedside

    Hi All, I'm a nurse of two years in Western PA, 1 year in a community hospital med-surg ICU, 1 year in a Level 1 CTICU, and I am absolutely miserable at the bedside. I think it may be my current unit and it's employees and the chronic transplant pati...