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About gcruzRN

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  1. OR nurse in U.S.

    Thanks for your input fellow nurses! I was just wondering bec. I worked here in the U.S. and I was shocked that there's only one circulator running around in each room. Needless to say, I quit the job bec I found myself just running around and answer...
  2. When surgical tools get left behind

    I think it depends on what facility you work at. Where I worked before, it was very strict. Everything had to be counted and needs to be separated and the surgeons always want to make sure if the count is correct. And where I worked at we always had ...
  3. OR nurse in U.S.

    I'm an OR nurse from Canada. I have 3.5 years of experience as an OR nurse both as a circulator and scrub nurse. I'm wondering if how many circulators are there per OR suite in the U. S.? I asked this question bec where I worked in Canada there's 2 c...