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About JLL41183RN

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  1. Someone please help me, new to LTC!!!

    Thank you everyone for all the great advise and support! :) I did talk to my DON yesterday, I was beside myself with everything, and once I sat down and talked to her and told her that I really have no idea how the building is run and that I don't e...
  2. Someone please help me, new to LTC!!!

    So as I posted before, I just started working in LTC I am a RN and have a critical care background, I decided I wanted to try something new, something where I could spend some more time with patients and all that good stuff. I quickly realize that I...
  3. Two RN's there are still many LPNs on staff on the off shifts.
  4. Hi all, I have never posted on a site like this but I need some help from some nurses that are familiar with this kind of nursing and can help me understand how to be a good charge nurse. A little about me, I am from the Emergency Department, I have ...