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About jordanpj

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  1. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Hi Anne! Had a good visit with my daughter today. She is going to a halfway house for 3 months after her 45 days of inpatient as recommended by her counselors. She will find a sponsor there. I will miss her but will see her when I can. It if fur...
  2. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Hi Anne! I know how important it is to have your family's support during recovery. My daughter kept her addiction a secret for many years. She probably would not have told anyone until she got arrested. I was shocked when she told me. It's scary...
  3. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Hi Anne! Saw my daughter today. She will be out of inpatient in two weeks. She is doing well. Yes, hopefully, her legal matters will work out with her being on probation. Truly appreciate your checking on her. She is going to connect on here as...
  4. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Hi Anne! I will give her this info and tell her you are sending positive thoughts. Thanks again for all your help.
  5. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Hi Anne! I went to see my daughter today and she is doing good. She wanted me to ask you how she could get a recovery nurse as a sponsor? Thanks for checking on us!
  6. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Thank you, dottimur. I am so grateful for Alanon .
  7. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Thank you do much, Meriwhen. I appreciate your message. It really helped me.
  8. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Hi Anne! Thanks so much for checking in on us. I am going to my alanon meetings and they are really helping me. My daughter is doing well in her inpatient treatment. We get to visit her on Saturdays. I am going to tell her about you and she will...
  9. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Thank you, Anne. I appreciate your support and help. KristieRae, thanks for your support, also. I am going to Alanon meetings and they are helping. And you are right about not being codependent. It's so hard when you see your child hurting but I ...
  10. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Thanks so much. This info helps. I also was able to read earlier threads when you helped another nurse. Your sharing the steps of your experience is so helpful and kind. It is scary time and your sharing makes a difference to those going through ...
  11. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Thank you so much, Anne, for your reply. My daughter wants to join your forum and connect with others nurses like you as soon as she gets out of her inpatient treatment. Did you do 45 days inpatient? I have read the RNP handbook and have many ques...
  12. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Thanks TXRN2!
  13. Mom of RN in rehab lookiing for advice and help

    Thank you do much for the info, wishmeluck. We are from Louisiana. My daughter has contacted BON of LA and is in one of the treatment centers they recommended and has been accepted into their RNP.
  14. I am so grateful to have found this website and forum. I have been reading the discussions and appreciate all the info given. My daughter who is an RN for 12 years is in an inpatient drug center now for 2 weeks. She turned herself into BON after sh...